Ever After High AU Part 2

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Alison Grace's Tale: A Story of a Rebel

The carriage had stopped at the corner of the street in the Village of Book's End. She watched carefully out the window as students passed by, anticipation and excitement on their faces.
The total opposite of what she was feeling.
"Princess," the coachman's voice startled her as she let out a squeak. "We're here."
She placed a hand on her beating heart, slowly taking in deep breaths. Today was the day, for real. The moment she would step out of the carriage, the moment she would watch it leave back for home, the moment she would have to face the school on her own, was happening, happening now.
AG felt her skin prickling. No, no, not now.
Deep breaths, deep breaths.
"Princess, are you sure you don't need me to carry your stuff to school?" The coachman, Tomas, asked with concern in his voice. Aside from driving their carriage, Tomas was also AG's sort-of butler, and had known her condition as well as she did.
"I assure you, Tomas, I can do it myself," In spite of what she was feeling, AG smiled. She knew he was worried, but she knew it herself she needed to overcome it.
"Alright, Your Highness," the man replied. "If you need any advice or help, remember to call us."
"I will, thank you."
Another intake of breath, and AG lifted a hand to push the carriage door open.
She had seen pictures of Ever After High online, recognizing its towering towers and flags flying in the wind, but seeing it in real life still made her jaw drop. It was truly an enchanting and magnificent place, and the students themselves, already walking towards the school, were as magical as it was.
Ever After High, the school she was going to for the next four years. First Year students arrived earlier than the upper grades, and AG was one of them. A princess, the daughter of Princess Beauty from the Beauty and the Beast, a girl expected to follow her fairytale parents footsteps. A girl who had a life planned out for her, full of promises of the regal royal life and joy.
It wasn't really what she wanted though.
Not especially how she had something.
Who knows how they would react to find out that a princess, as dainty as she, had a side that would terribly break that facade.
Even if that side made her inner instincts wild, untamed, and free.
AG took a step forward, then another. Getting closer and closer to the school. Who knows, maybe it wouldn't be so bad? Maybe she'd even have fun along the way?
Maybe I could accept this side one day?
After all, it was just her First year, Freedom Year. She wouldn't sign the Book yet, it wasn't something to worry about.
Another inhale. She formed her resolve. AG decided to enjoy this year, to experience things like a normal student, make friends too, and be alright.
A small breeze blew that ruffled her brown hair, and a feeling of determination filled her. It was definitely going to be exciting this year, definitely.
AG nodded her head, and walked at a normal, calm pace towards the school.

Jack Spriggin's Tale: A Story of a Royal

Jack frowned in concentration at his MirrorPhone screen. The waves of the ship bobbed up and down, the rest of the passengers and him joining its rhythm. He was trying to beat Jax' game record, and he had to attempt it on a ship of all places. Not his fault he had to journey early, considering how he lived far, faraway. Jack yawned and looked up to check whether they were nearing their destination. He was going to switch boats in the Port of Enchantasia en route to where Ever After High was located. Jack vaguely remembered he was about to enter his Legacy Year, where he would sign the Storybook of Legends and continue the Jack and the Beanstalk story. Jack barely cared much about mulling over his tale, not like some of his other friends, although he would never tell them he took notice. Gilly in particular seemed unenthusiastic and he had a hunch she was dreading waking up. Jack was lucky, he never had any problems of his own; he was content with his simple life, retained his supposed bored nature, and curiosity and mischief. Still, he did feel some sort of sympathy towards others who didn't connect with their tales. There was probably a way to overcome those problems, he didn't know, but there was always a way. Every Beanstalker knew there were ways in and out, ways to grab that opportunity, and succeed.
The hot wind blew, tickling his nose. Who knows if they could find a way to make themselves happy, he didn't know how, but there was a way, always was. The earlier wind brought promise, a promise of change, in his own interpretation.
Jack turned his attention back to his MirrorPhone and scowled.
"He increased his ranking, again?"
Well, some things never changed.

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