Ollie should've just eaten his patty cakes and left

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A/N: The title says it all.


"She's a thief," Jocelyn wheezed. "Because she stole your heart!" The witch cackled loudly as Ollie tried to stifle his own laughter. Maxine didn't laugh but her lips quirked a bit, much to the scowl Jax gave them.

"Very funny Jocelyn," he harrumphed, shaking his head. Then, in spite of himself, he grinned, replaying the words in his head. It was super corny, a joke that was used way too often. But Jax had to admit that he did find it humorous and true at the same time.

"So Jax," Jocelyn continued. "Is it not your duty to catch her?" The witch was having way too much fun teasing the boy.

Unfortunately, that one sounded stale.

"That wasn't good," Ollie admitted. Jocelyn shot him a look. "No offense, it sounds like it's implying something along the lines of the Dwarf Patrol Squad."

Jocelyn sneered. "Then, can you come up with something better, pirate?" Ollie shrugged. He was one of the wittiest members of the group. He furrowed his brows in concentration.

"Bet he's gonna use another corny joke," Jocelyn whispered to Maxine.

"Jocelyn! That's not nice!" she whined. Jocelyn merely shrugged.

Jax rolled his eyes, then went back to the report he was writing. Secretly, he was waiting for whatever comeback Ollie would conjure. It was Jocelyn's nature to tease him with his crush on his best friend. Not that he minded, he was used to it.

After a few moments, Ollie looked up with a gleam in his eye.

"This one's bad," he looked at Jax. He was hoping he sounded apologetic. "And you'll maul me once I say it." Jax quirked a brow up. He was intrigued.

"Just say it!" The witch snapped, eager to hear what he would say.

"She stole your heart," Ollie's eyes glinted mischievously at his friend. "So you stole her first kiss."

For a second, no one said anything.

Then Maxine and Jocelyn yelled.


Jax looked at his friend with wide eyes. He almost dropped the quill he was holding.

Ollie sucked in a breath. I guess it's goodbye now, Ollie thought. He took the risk, and now he paid the price.

"Ollie," Jax started. A smile was on his lips, but it didn't reach his eyes. "I don't think I ever did that." His fingers tapped on the table and a shiver ran through Ollie's back.

He was doomed.

"You couldn't think of anything else, pirate?" Jocelyn raised her eyebrow. "Even  I wouldn't stoop so low to say something like that."

Maxine fanned herself. "I know we tease Jax and all, but I don't think..." Maxine trailed off, unsure what to say. She twisted her thumbs.

Jax held his gaze with Ollie. His violet eyes grew a shade darker.

The smaller boy gulped. "I was just joking. Sorry bro, I couldn't think of anything else to say." He hoped his voice didn't wobble. Jax would interrogate him later. "As much as yours sucked Jocelyn, you get the point here."

The witch let out a huff. "Forget it, that's enough for today." Then her eyes narrowed at Ollie. "Did you just say it sucked?"

Ollie was digging his grave even deeper.

"Hey now, he didn't mean it," Maxine reassured Jocelyn. Her meaty arm was on the witch's shoulder, patting it. "How about I get you something to eat. When you're cranky, it's always good to eat something!"

Jocelyn scowled at the ogress. "A certain someone told me, you know," Maxine added. The witch's posture softened a bit, but she obeyed the ogress. The mention of that someone meant  Maxine would most likely snitch on her and she would get reprimanded again. Jocelyn loved her but her nagging was... weak honestly. The two girls stood up as Maxine spouted that they would stop by the cafeteria for a snack.

That left the two boys with their notes.

Now that Jocelyn was gone, Jax coughed. Ollie flinched, bracing himself for what was about to happen.

"So," Jax started. "What made you say that, Ollie?" Jax looked at his friend pointedly.

As much as Ollie wanted to crawl away and hide, he couldn't lie to Jax. His friend also didn't seem to look mad. He even looked embarrassed, but Jax would deny it if Ollie brought it up.

"I was going to grab patty cakes," Ollie admitted. "Then I stopped by because Maxine needed another pack of gauze."

Peaches was going through a rebellious phase that she sometimes bit Gilly. The girl would yell at the duck and Maxine would alleviate the pain from the areas Peaches bit.

"You saw that." It wasn't a question. He even sounded exasperated.

"Was it a spur of the moment?" Ollie asked. Gilly had been injured for a while and was bedridden. It made their friends worry, Jax and her sister Anna, dealing with it the most.

"Do you still blame yourself for what happened?" It was the smaller boy's turn to stare at his friend directly. Jax looked away, guilty.

"I could've lost her," he said softly.

"Jax, it wasn't your fault. She said it so herself." then he added. "But let me guess, you were scared she wouldn't wake up?"

Jax sighed, Ollie always knew what to say.

"A silly thought in my head said maybe I could wake her up in the same style as Rose's story." Ollie snorted. Jax wasn't offended and even grinned in return.

"I mean, she did wake up the next day." Kayla was in the infirmary when Gilly had awoken and she sent messages through their compact mirrors and they all immediately gathered. Anna had given her sister a huge hug and Jax had grabbed her hands, feeling and confirming that she was indeed awake. Ollie almost thought he was going to kiss her again. But he kept that thought to himself.

"I can't believe you had your first kiss already," Ollie grumbled and Jax laughed in spite of himself. "And only both of us know."

"I'll tell her," he said. "Not now, I think she'd chuck her book at me if I told her." Jax chuckled and Ollie rolled his eyes good-naturally.

"Don't tell?"

"Why would I?"

"Right, that was a ridiculous question."

The two boys laughed and bumped their fists with each other. When Maxine and Jocelyn had returned, the witch frowned at both boys as they were talking about an inside joke. But she didn't pry as Maxine had reminded her they needed to finish one more paper. And so the friends continued to chat while finishing their homework.

Little Ollie know, that was actually the second.


A/N: "What does this mean?" I reveal nothing

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