Frog Prince (attempt 1)

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A/N: I don't understand how I wrote two frog prince related writings that aren't that much related. Anyway enjoy.


They knew how all the stories ended, a princess being saved by a prince. Who defeated the evil villain. A happily ever after.
Or not. Not in Enchantasia technically.
But they knew the endings, just like the ending to the Princess and the Frog.
And so did Gilly, begrudgingly.
Having a frog as your first kiss wasn't what she had imagined. But it was fine right? Because the frog wasn't a normal, croaking, fly-eating, cross-eyed, frog.

And it had to be the form Jax was cursed in, typical curse enchantments.

So when Gilly, forcing all thoughts of refusal, irritation, disgust, and a teeny tiny bit of embarrassment, shut tight, picked up the frog that was Jax, muttered a silent prayer, and pecked the frog with the intention of doing it as quickly as possible only to find out the transfiguration didn't waste any moment hence the lack of smoke and sparkles, realized she was actually kissing her best friend, stood up, shrieked out an apology, had ran away from mossy log they were sitting on.

But it made sense, right? Jax was technically a prince, fitting the Frog Prince title. And he was cursed too, albeit not by the original witch in the story but the witch that had imprisoned his sister Rapunzel. Did anyone mention his sister was Rapunzel? Anyway, that same witch was presumed dead, only to have caused havoc for the children again. The time travel paradox was much harder, to be honest. It's just that the kids had to risk themselves out again to walk to the boggy marshes of Palladia just to find a cure, only to find out the cure was with them all along.

"But the answer is right in front of you," The gypsy had said. Her eyes were trained on Gilly. Confused, Gilly questioned that she didn't know that many spells. She wasn't powerful just because she was half or a quarter fairy!

But Ollie had the answer. And the look on Gilly's face after it had dawned to her was priceless. Kiss a frog? No! Kiss your best friend? Also No! Kiss a frog that's actually your best friend? What even was that question! It tugged onto her stomach, a mixture of embarrassment, consciousness, anger that they had to go that far, and disdain. She had to do it for her friend, even at the cost of her sanity.

See, Gilly is Jax' best friend. It made sense, she was the closest to him, that's probably why she had to do it.

Wrong. She also liked him so of course she was definitely the one who could undo the curse.

There was no way she could ever talk to him again if a memory of the event would resurface. It probably would be even worse now that he had immediately transformed back into his original self the millisecond their lips met. It was only a quick peck! Gilly's mind had planned for it to happen.

Perhaps she didn't react fast enough. His startled violet eyes and blond hair bordering his face at close proximity wouldn't leave her mind. The tingling feeling on her lips wouldn't either, and she willed with all her mind to forget it. Stop thinking about it! 

And though Jax was grateful he was back to normal, he couldn't deny the disappointment that had ghosted on his lips either.

"It's not a bad thing right?"
"No. It's worse."
Ollie massaged his temples. His brain hurt.  Jax was back to normal, but if it was the side-effects of having to hop to keep up with them, then it would explain his fidgeting and jumpiness. His face was dazed, cheeks rosy of embarrassment. Ollie didn't need to ask what the cause was. Jax was free from the curse as a frog. His best friend dashed away to hide. He was blushing and touching his face delicately. Go figure.

He heard a grunt beside him. "Those two are so annoying. It's just a kiss!" Jocelyn scowled, nothing unusual.

"That's easy for you to say," Kayla spoke. "You didn't have to pine with anyone! You just, well..." Jocelyn was in a relationship and courting her girlfriend wasn't hard. The right princess was swept off her feet.

"None of us are as quick as you Jocelyn," Ollie sighed. "Give them a break. They'll sort it out... somehow."

Ollie wasn't sure but somehow he sort of felt guilty. He didn't know why, but it felt like he had done something that almost broke their friendship and the only solution was for them to deal it with themselves. I didn't even do anything though? He thought. Perhaps just one of those passing feelings from his dreams. Sometimes he had dreams of them being split into pairs or something. Must be fun, he had thought.

Jax stalked towards Ollie and stood quietly. It was almost nostalgic seeing Jax as a human. He had to admit, he had gotten used to seeing him as a frog for the past weeks.

"You good?" He asked his friend, putting a hand on Jax' shoulder. Jax managed a weak smile.

"Guess so. It's weird, honestly. Walking on two legs and not crouching, not feeling scaly and a bit moist, ironically, I kind of got used to being a frog." The two of them chuckled. Ollie supposed he'd revert back to his human mannerisms in a short while.

Maxine came over and gave him a bone-crushing hug, babbling about whether it was good to see him again as human.

"Although, you being a frog was really nice too." Maxine, a lover of animals, had made Jax ride unto Peaches during the journey. Some mishaps like Jax almost being eaten by the duck had happened, but it was all good. Kind of.

"It's good to be back," the prince said, cracking his fingers. "I'll miss some things, but I prefer being human."

Ollie noticed a reserved feel around the boy. Jocelyn had noticed too.

"Where's Gilly?" she asked. Ollie saw Kayla and Maxine gulp. He held his breath.

Jax smiled sadly. "I wonder." His tone was truthful and wistful. Gentle too. He wasn't mad she had run off.

Ollie could almost feel the looks Maxine and Kayla threw at each other. The matchmakers of the group, probably forming a plan. A plan Ollie always stopped.

He cleared his throat and looked at Jax. "If you want to go look for her, do it. We aren't leaving yet, Jocelyn still hasn't sorted her potions anyway."

He ignored Jocelyn's protests and waited for his friend to answer.

Jax stared at Ollie for a moment, then nodded his head. "Thank you." Ollie patted Jax on the back and gave him an encouraging smile. The prince turned away to the direction of the other side of the bog and left.

"Isn't that a bit too early for them to talk?" Kayla had a worried tone in her voice.

Ollie shook his head. "They're not kids Kayla. It's about time they talked about it."

Jocelyn had punched his shoulder and Ollie yelped. "Always the wise old seer, pirate. If they're not back in 10 minutes or so, I'm finding them and you aren't stopping me."

"Hey slow down there Joc, 10 minutes? That's not enough time for them."

"We have to leave I've had enough seeing those fucking flies all around me!"

"But flies aren't bad! They're great friends!"


"Jocelyn quiet down! That's mean!"


Guess we're back to normal. He yawned, he didn't sleep with all the swamp monster battling happening.

Jocelyn would stomp away to get Gilly and Jax. He hoped they'd eventually clear some air. Besides, his dreams have been getting better. Ollie didn't admit but whoever that male fairy with crystal? Frozen? Mosaic? wings was, he hoped he'd see him eventually. Cute, Ollie thought. With his friends as the background noise and exhaustion from the past hours getting to him, Ollie slept on his cot with a faint smile on his face.


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