"What brought you here my child?" A voice made you jump.

You turned around and your gaze met the friendly smile of an old man. He wore a rain-proof jacket and carried an old-looking lantern. The flame of the candle danced a little while he stepped closer.

"I-I was just-" You started but you had enough of making excuses. "I hide so I don't have to go back to my partner." You admit.

"Why? I bet they are worried about you." He replied and sat down on the bench behind you.

"I know they are but I don't want to disappoint them. They trust me so much and I'm not capable of solving this one problem. They will think I'm useless." You explained with a quiet voice.

It was strange to trust this old man with your problems but it felt good. You needed to talk to someone who was not your friend or wife. Someone who had no insight into your life and an objective perspective.

"Sometimes you can't solve problems on your own. Talk to your partner. I'm sure they will understand your struggle." The man said.

"That is the point. I can't talk to them about it. They are too much involved with everything and would only want to protect me." You replied.

"Do you want my advice because I can see what the real thing is that's bothering you?" The man said.

"What's really bothering me?" You thought.

His eyes glowed in a friendly shimmer and you decided to go for it. You gave him a quick nod.

"I see there is much weight on your shoulder. It seems that everyone wants your help and relies on you but you are the type of person that is always isolating themselves. You have a hard time accepting help from others and are insecure about your skills." He smiled.

"How do you know that?" You asked.

He looked away and sighed.

"We all do suffer from something. For you, it's your mental health and insecurities. I can see it on your face. You are stronger than you think and this problem will be solved. Just accept other people's help. You don't have to worry about what they might think of you because I know that they love you and they want the best for you. Seeing you suffer makes them miserable." The man mumbled.

"I work on myself every day but it is so hard. I try to open up and I think I finally reached a point where I am communicating my feelings. It's just me overthinking again. I don't want to let everyone down." You whispered.

"Well, as long as you give your best you have nothing to worry about, and now go back to your wife before the storm gets worse." He chuckled.

"I never told you that I'm married to a woman." You said and stood up.

"You didn't need to. I already knew it." He replied.

You backed away from him scared that it was a trap from the Skugga.

"Don't worry Y/n. I'm not your enemy. You will go back and find your wife's father. There is no time for self-doubt. You will be the next Alpha and I bet you will be a great leader. Everything will turn out just fine. Give yourself time to figure it out and you will see the future that is already written down for you. You just have to reach out and grab it." The man said and disappeared with a slight glow around his body.

"What the fuck was that?" You said. "Great. Now I start to hallucinate. I must be sicker than I thought." 

But the man was right you had to go back and face Dami. You needed to be strong for her. His words were still on your mind as you stepped out of the church again.

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