love again

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*read my last chapter if you haven't already! Thanks! Hope you enjoy this chapter, its pretty intense!*

*Victorias POV*

I saw a new video that Grayson and Ethan uploaded on YouTube. As I watched it, my jaw dropped. Why would Ethan ever do that?

I rush over to Sarah's house as fast as my short little legs will take me, and I see Ethan on her front door step. He buried his head in his hands and looked really upset and frustrated.

"What are you doing at Sarah's house at midnight?" I vicously question Ethan, remembering that video and everything he did.

"What are you doing here?" He said as he looked up, and I could see his eyes were red.

"Ethan Grant Dolan. I'm giving you 5 minutes to explain everything because I never knew it was possible for someone to screw up this much shit." I tell him.

"Okay, okay. Please just listen, I'm being 100% honest. I'll start from the beginning. At allies party, during the beginning of the summer, Emma pulled me up into a room upstairs. She said that I would have to breakup with Sarah, but obviously I was like no way because I love Sarah. But she said if I didn't agree to that deal, she would do something bad to Sarah, and I wouldn't want that to happen either. I went with the first option, I know it was a stupid idea. She started like going all over me and kissing me, until I realized that this was enough. Right before I was about to shove her off of me, Sarah walked in. Horrible timing. Her face instantly filled with tears and she ran out. She wouldn't let me explain anything. Then a few days later, I was at the mall and I saw her hold with with this other guy, or like shake his hand, something like that-" He said before I cut him off.

"Ethan, there is a BIG difference between holding hands and shaking hands. Think harder," I told him. He sit there thinking for like 10 seconds until he slapped his face.

"It was probably a hand shake. Why do I have to be so stupid," he said. I wanted to say 'I know right', but I let him go on.

"Oh my god I'm such an idiot. I thought she was holding his hand, and all of a sudden Emma showed up out of no where and grabbed my hand. I held on hoping Sarah would see, since I thought she already moved on from me." He said as he was shaking his head.

"We had another bad mall encounter. Like a week after that, me and Emma were kissing at the front of the mall. LET ME EXPLAIN! SHE kissed me and before I could pull away, Sarah ran into us and saw it. Then on the first day of school, when Emma poured all that water on her, I really wanted to help. But I realized that everything I do makes her feel more miserable and all I want her to be is happy. Then she said she never loved me, which really got to me. The rest of that day sucked. But I can understand because of all the shit I've done... Anyways, just a few hours ago, I was as Emma's party and I did all that.... Stuff with her because I was REALLY drunk according to Grayson. I honestly don't even know how I got drunk, because I don't drink. Emma posted that video of us on YouTube and yeah.... Here I am now." He finished off.

"Okay I want to kill you a little less, but you left out the part ON WHERE YOU DATED EMMA!" I yelled at him a little too loud.

"It was part of that deal at allies party, but trust me, we are OVER. Please please please help me Victoria, I just want to be with Sarah again. She is everything to me." He says very sincerely. Wow. He really does love her.

"Ok fine. I have a plan. I'll go in, but hide behind me or something. Somewhere that she won't see you. I'll talk to her and stuff and I motion to you when you should come in. You'll get it when it happens, just do everything I say." I tell him and he nods.

I walk into her house since I have her house keys.... I'm her best friend, what do expect? I tell Ethan to stay behind as I walk into her room.

*Ethan's POV*

I watch Victoria walk into Sarahs room as I wait outside of her door, where she can't see me. I hear her crying and sniffling and my heart drops. I listen into their conversation.

"Sarah, what's wrong? You can tell me. Its going to be okay," Victoria says.

"I don't even know what I every did wrong," I hear Sarah say as she is crying. She didn't do anything wrong though, it was all my fault.

"Like one day he loves me, and the next day he is making out with Emma. Out of everyone, why her? Its so obvious that he loves her so much that he ever loved me. And it hurt the most because I really loved him," she continues on saying. I wanted to run in and tell her that I really loved her. I love her more than I could ever love someone else.

"I just don't understand, Where did I screw up in all of this????" She asked Victoria.

"No where Sarah. I know the truth. Ethan has always loved you..." Vicotira starts and she goes on and on about the truth. I felt so relieved, I wanted to tell Sarah face to face though.

"Are you serious?" Sarah asks once Victoria finishes explaining.

"Yeah I am 100% serious," Victoria said.

"Wow I'm such a screw up. I treated him like crap all this time and never heard him out. I don't deserve him. I don't deserve anyone." I hear Sarah say as she starts choking on her words, like she was about to cry. I couldn't wait for Victoria to cue me to come in, I had to go in then.

I ran into Sarah's room and her face was red and flooded with tears, but she was still absolutely beautiful.

"I love you Sarah. I messed up. If anything, I don't deserve you." I said as I pulled her up from her bed and into a hug.

"I'm sorry Eth-" sarah started before I cut her off.

"Don't be." I said, then I put my hands on her jaw and pulled her in close. She hesitated before leaning in, but then she wrapped her arms around my neck.

We got closer and closer until we were just a centemeter apart.

"SIKE!" Sarah yelled as she laughed.

UGH ALL I WANTED TO DO WAS KISS HER, but I was glad she seemed happy. This was the Sarah I knew.

"OH MY GOD YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR FACE!" she told me as she was cracking up.

I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck and I felt myself blush.

"Come here you idiot," Sarah said as she wrapped her arms around me again.

Our foreheads were touching and our lips were close again. I kissed her before she could do anything else.

Out if the corner of my eye, I saw Victoria inch out of the room. I felt a smile form on my mouth during the kiss.

This girl drove me crazy, she sounded like she wanted to kill me one second, then a second later she jokes around with me. But I loved it.

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