You're All I Need

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*Ethan's POV*

I knew I had to make this day perfect for Sarah, since I was missing her birthday after all. I first planned to take her to the beach, out for dinner, then a special place that I know she'll love.

I call her and after the third ring, she picks up.

"Hey Sarah, I'm coming to pick you up soon, and wear a bathing suit," I told her.

"Okay I'm on it, see ya!" She said then hung up.

As I walked over, I looked at this picture of us in my hands. Grayson took it when I first asked her out, and he captured the perfect moment of us kissing. I got flowers for her too, I know, cliche, but it works!

I rang her door bell and as she opened the door I hugged her and pecked her lips. I handed over the flowers and the picture and she just stared at it.

"I remember that day..." She said as a smile crept onto her face.

"I will never forget it. Come one now, we got a big day ahead of us!" I told her as I grabbed her hand and took her to the beach.

I watched her run free through the water. I was so lucky to have her in my life. She looked back at me and smiled, then gestured for me to come with her.

I had no choice really, so I took of my shirt and headed into the ocean. We played around, then she started chasing me along the shore. Somehow, I ended up chasing her and managed to tackle her to the ground.

"OW!" I heard her yell, and I immediately got off of her.

"SIKE!" she said as she got up and continued running. I just stood there in shock, then managed out a small laugh. I love her.

*Sarah's POV*

The trip to the beach was more perfect than I could imagine. Next up, dinner. He said to dress up, so I put on a simple white dress with a cute cardigan sort of thing over it. I gave myself beach waves, did my makeup, and right after I finished, I put on cute sandals, then headed over to Ethan's house.

I before I could ring his doorbell, he already walked out the door.

"You look amazing," Ethan tells me as he leans in for a kiss. This guy.

"You clean up nicely yourself." I winked at him, then he took my hand and took me to the restaurant.

I walked in, and it was a very fancy place. Emphasis on very. Not to mention, it was pretty crowded too. A tall blonde waiter took us to an empty room with a table for two. It looked absolutely perfect. I sat down and Ethan handed me a letter. I opened it up and read it to myself:

Dear Sarah,

I know our relationship has been kind of complicated lately, but I've loved you since that first time I saw you. I couldn't get my eyes off of you, and I always feel a spark in myself whenever I see you. The way you talk, they feel of your touch, everything you do makes me realize how amazing you are. I'm so lucky to have someone like you. I know that I messed up our relationship before, but it's not happening again, I won't let it happen. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I ever let go of you. Your the best thing that's ever happened to me in my life. Sarah Marie Riley, I love you.

Love, Ethan

I didn't realize that I was pretty much crying while reading the whole letter. I looked into Ethan's eyes as I started speaking.

"Ethan Grant Dolan, I love you," I said as I felt his lips smash against mine.

*Ethan's POV*

The last part of the day finally came. I blindfolded Sarah so she wouldn't know where I was going to take her, but I agreed to carry her there on my back.

The day when Sarah kind of 'broke up' with me, I went to this one park. I started walking off the trail and I was in the most beautiful place I've seen. There were trillions of stars in the sky and the scenery around you was breathtaking. When I arrived there, I let Sarah hop off, then I took off her blindfold.

I watched in enjoyment as I watched her jaw drop and see her look around at the surroundings.

"Why did you just now tell me about this place?" She asked with a big smile taking over her face.

"I wanted to save it for the right time," I said as I layed out a blanked on the grass. I sat down on it and gestured for her to sit down beside me.

She sat down next to me and cuddled up to me. I loved the way she made me feel. I wrapped my arm around her as she layed her head into chest.

I took out the necklace that I gave to her on our two month anniversary (before the incident) that she broke and threw onto the ground after the incident. She smiled as she took it, then looked at me with eyes saying sorry.

"You fixed it," she said while blushing and looking embarassed.

"I'd do anything for you." I said, looking straight into her eyes.

"You know you didn't have to do all of this for me." She said as her voice got lighter and lighter as if she was going to fall asleep right on the spot.

"But your deserve all of this. You deserve more than this, but this is the most I can give." I told her.

"This is more than I would ever need. You're all I need." She said.

We just lay there, and she points out all the stars. I just watch her with a smile on my face. Soon, she dozes off and I carry her back to her house and lay her on her bed. I don't know how I'll survive a week without her.

Hey guys, thanks for reading! I thought this was a pretty cute chapter tbh(: new chapter coming up soon since I'm out of school (yayyy!!!!)

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