Chapter 196: Secret Manual Sales

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August 3rd, 10 AM.

Ouyang Shuo appeared in the manor's office and started to handle the government affairs that was stockpiled for a week.

During the second half of July, Langshan mining field and Northern Salt Fields contributed a total of 8,100 gold. These funds had yet to be allocated by Ouyang Shuo. Because of this, many workers had yet to receive their pay wages for July.

In fact, the allocation was simple. There wasn't much to allocate. With the commencement of the projects, the Department of Finance was tight financially again. Hence it was given 5,100 gold, and it was already the lowest amount Ouyang Shuo could offer.

Of the remaining 3,000 gold, 1,000 gold was added to the Four Seas Bank Mulan Town Branch, while the last 2,000 gold would be used to start a new branch of the Four Seas Bank in the Black Lion Town.

Ouyang Shuo did not reserve a single gold coin for himself, not that he didn't need any gold, but he already held a huge fortune, which was the 120 secret manuals.

Over the past month, the prices of secret manuals continued rising. It had been close to the 700 gold mark set by Ouyang Shuo. Soon, Ouyang Shuo was ready to sell off the manuals and obtain funds from the sale.

He had decided to take advantage of the low prices of food, using the funds obtained from the sales of manuals and acquire a batch of foods when the time comes in the future. He would sell the food when the prices were high and would profit from the differences in cost.

If his memory was correct, then the highest point of time, the food prices rose up to 30 coppers per unit, triple the usual price. Lessing the 10% taxation fees, cost of food storage and the waste grains during transportation, he could still enjoy a profit of 250%, much higher than selling manuals.

Ouyang Shuo has ordered the Construction Division to build a large granary on the outskirts west of the city, dedicated to the storage of food stocks.

After a month of construction, Xinan University has taken shape, the three colleges have also been set up entirely, and they were starting taking in students. The rest to construct was the auxiliary facilities that do not affect the teaching and learning activities.

Following the instructions of Ouyang Shuo, every government servants including those of affiliated territories, except for jinshi and juren, the others would have to continue and advance their studies at Xinan University.

To this end, the Administration Department has enacted a mechanism scheduling the officials' rotations. Its purpose was to ensure the normal operations of the government bodies while at the same time ensuring each official would receive at least a month of education at Xinan University.

Finance Director Cui Yingyu took the initiative to take the first lead to attend classes in the School of Economics Business studies.

One could tell that in the foreseeable future, Shanhai County officials would celebrate another round of upgrade and ability enhancement.

Also, Natural Science Institution was now starting admission for talents, completely breaking the ancient craftsmen's underprivileged status, and it denoted the advancement of the status of craftsmen in the territory.

A large number of carpenters, farmers, fruit farmers and other talents, were recruited into the Natural Science Institution to learn modern, scientific and logical knowledge.

It had caused a big stir in the territory. Fortunately, within the territory, there weren't any big and powerful family clans, most of them were ordinary people, and hence it was easier to make this policy to be implemented.

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