Chapter 153: Raider City Attack (Part 3)

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The Combat Logistics Division delivered hot and delicious dishes for the soldiers who were risking their lives.

At that moment, no one dared to leave the city walls, and even Ouyang Shuo didn't dare leave. He let the Sangu restaurant prepare some dishes and send them to the resting room in the city tower for Bai Hua and the others.

Using the rest time, the members of the Shanhai Alliance chat and ate at the same time. The topic of their discussions were focused on the first half of the raider's attack that had just ended.

"I really didn't expect that the raider city attack would be so intense." Xunlong Dianxue said emotionally.

"Yeah, it's making me lose all my confidence." Feng Qiuhuang agreed, her face filled with uncertainty.

Bai Hua looked at Ouyang Shuo with concern and asked. "Wuyi, do you have confidence for the afternoon's attack?" The others looked towards him in worry.

Ouyang Shuo smiled. "It's fine. We blocked off their attack in the morning so their morale has already been lost. As long as we don't make any mistakes, it will be no problem to block them."

"But, Shanhai Town has equally lost as many troops in the morning. And the enemy has 1000 elites and 1000 cavalry that hasn't made a move." Bai Hua wasn't as optimistic.

Based on the post battle report, out of the 6700 raiders, 200 water bandits died, 300 were captured, 1200 basic raiders died, and 300 elite raiders died. This was to say that the enemy still had half of their strength. Definitely such a big loss would affect their morale and whether or not they could give it their all in the afternoon was a huge question.

On the side of Shanhai Town, of the 500 navy soldiers in the Beihai navy fleet, 50 had died. 50 archers from the Shanhai town city defence unit had died, 200 sword shield soldiers died, and 80 out of the 500 civil team force died. Their losses were in a 1:5 ratio as compared to the raiders, which was a very good result.

"The raiders lost more than us, so let's just see how they'll react." Ouyang Shuo said.


_At the same time, in the raider's big tent._

"Big Brother, the situation isn't good. What should we do the afternoon?" Heiqi asked.

Huoda was very solemn. "In the afternoon, it's time for second brother to act."

"How so?" Heiqi was a bit confused.

"In the morning I arranged men to build the floating bridge, and we had prepared two already. When we were attacking in the morning, based on the report by some of the guys that retreated, the enemy shifted a group of soldiers over from either their east gate or their north gate. Hence their defences would be weakened further, which will give us a chance. Second brother, you must immediately bring your troops to loop around the back, using the floating bridge to get across the city protection river and sneak attack their north gate. Remember, you must wait till the west gate has attacked before starting your attack. You can't be too early, or they'll have a chance to prepare. Understood?" Huoda explained.

"Understood!" Heiqi said excitedly.


At 1PM, the raiders launched another attack. This time, Huoda didn't leave any reserve troops and ordered all his troops to attack, giving them enough pressure such that they are unable to care about their north gate.

Ouyang Shuo stood on the city tower and saw that their 1000 cavalry at the wing were gone, he immediately had a bad premonition.

As expected, in the skies above the north gate, a signal bullet appeared which was the sign of a sneak attack.

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