kuroo tetsuro • confession

464 21 1

word count: 4614

genre: fluff

literally screenshotted this story so if it gets deleted on accident again im rewriting it like this


have a great time reading! :)


If you don't notice them, they'll become fed up and leave you alone is what they say, correct? Alright, if the saying is true, why is Mr. Roosterhead sitting in the seat beside you, (which is not his) staring hard with that stupid smirk on his face?

Refusing to acknowledge him, you kept your gaze on your book as you attempted to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. Before you could bring your finger up, you felt the annoying, persistent man push the hair behind your ear securely with a happy smile upon his good-looking face. Your chocolate-colored eyes filled with confusion and disgust travelled over to the individual now crouching down to the left of your desk.

The man tapped on your book, "What book is this to have you so interested in reading early in the morning?"

You shut your book closed on his fingers, "That's none of your business. Now, would you kindly run off and go do your little captain things with your team?"

He smiled at you while resting the side of his head in the palm of his hand.

"Nope," He declined as he put an emphasis on the 'p', "Want to know more about this perfection that's sitting in front of me."

Your face heated up-your cheeks were flushed red at his compliments and the way he kept his eyes focused on you as if you were the bright stars burning in the sky.

Let's keep it simple-he, Kuroo Tetsuro, the boy you call a stalker and an obsessed idiot, likes you. To him, you were the most beautiful thing in the entire universe. And trust! When he first saw you walking so confidently through the hallway, throwing your hair off your shoulder with a blank expression on your angel-like face, he had to quickly stop his admirers and friends from asking questions just for him to ask his question on who you were. Once he achieved the information that you were a transfer student and in the same class with his vice-captain and teammate, Nobuyuki, you best believe he came to your class and watched you from afar-he took notes of how you sat alone in the back of the class with your earphones in your ear as you read a book and made cute, shocked expressions on what was happening through the story. He adored it.

He was beginning to adore you.

But.. he never made a move or said anything since at that time he wasn't that head-over-heels to approach you. Until, he was waiting for the train to arrive with his friends to head to school and just as he was boarding, he watched you gently push past him with a kind 'excuse me' come out of your voice. The entire time on the train, his eyes were glued to you-he watched you from afar read your book while his friends beside him talked about a girl at another school was trying to date him. And as he was about to look away, he felt time quickly come to a stop.

Your dark-brown eyes had been looking over your book at him. Just from that moment alone, he felt a connection form or a spark ignite in him.

That day he knew he wanted you!

"Hey-you're staring a bit too hard, beautiful. Are you liking what you see?" He asked with arrogance dancing on his tongue, "If so, don't worry, I also like what I see, but.. I like it a lot more than you do."

"L-L-Leave me alone.. you.. idiot," You said with a blush creeping upon your cheeks.

He hummed in interest at you as a smile was still plastered across his attractive face.

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