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I want you.

Sunghoon's heart was beating erratically as he stared at the three words that had just come through from his best friend. His eyes were wide as he watched the incoming text bubble rise and fall for almost a minute.


He didn't know whether to let out a sigh of relief or confusion as the apologies kept making his phone ding throughout his empty bedroom.

It's fine

It's all he could say.

What was he supposed to reply with?? Oh, it's cool! It's not like I've ever thought about you like that or anything. Sunghoon lets out a small laugh at that, knowing that he has never in his life had those thoughts about a certain kitty-eyed boy.

Shaking his head, he glances back at the three words that were supposedly sent by Kim Sunoo, not Sunghoon's best friend, and tried to convince himself his face wasn't getting redder.

I'm sorry, hyung

I said it was fine Jungwon, it was just a prank

He decided to let it go right away, his fingers weren't itching to text the boy his true thoughts. He couldn't let his impulsive thoughts win with this one.

Okay hyung, goodnight :)

Goodnight Wonnie <3


Sunghoon stretched his arms out, squeezing his eyes shut when the sun that shines through his curtain blinds him. He moves his left arm out until it hits something soft and most definitely alive. He smiles softly to himself before turning on his side and opening his eyes to see such an angelic sleeping face beside him.

He doesn't even need to question why the boy is here, or how he even got here when Sunghoon knows his mother probably let him in regardless of what Sunghoon was doing.

After glancing at the time, knowing they'll have to get up for school soon enough, Sunghoon wants to savor these few moments with his best friend.

Carefully he scoots closer, moving an arm to wrap around the younger's waist and pulls him as close as possibly allowed.

Jungwon just let out a quiet sigh of comfort before nuzzling his face further into Sunghoons chest where he lays.

The sight isn't odd for the two boys, instead something they've done a great number of mornings before school.

Yang Jungwon. Sunghoon's absolute best friend since the two of them could even talk. They practically grew up in each other's houses. Sleepovers were a main occurrence between the two boys, and the awkward stages of cuddling moved by quite quickly, now instead the two boys find comfort in each other's touch.

Sunghoon's favorite moments were when he woke up and his best friend was plastered to his side, or taking up most of the fluffy comforter that sits atop both of them. He always felt immediately at ease when the younger was in his sight, or better yet, in his arms.

Yet they were just friends. Best friends.

"Jungwon-ah" Sunghoon whispered into the smaller's hair, not wanting to move but also knowing they would both be late otherwise, again.

"Shh," Jungwon slightly shakes his head, burying himself deeper into Sunghoon's toned chest. "Not yet, hyung."

Sunghoon could only chuckle softly at the boy, bringing his hand up to card his fingers through the soft, brown hair that laid in almost every direction.

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