Ending 8: "Seul" of Science - Seulmates

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[FLASHBACK December 16, 2021 7:33pm]
Location: Seulgi's Car

YN-Nie, I can explain.

No need, Noona. The decision is already made. Nothing matters anymore. The cold voice of YN assertively saying that was gut wrenching for Seulgi. As Seulgi rested her head on the steering wheel, tears were flowing down like a waterfall. What was seemingly a cute, wholesome date night turned into an utter disaster. YN is apparently leaving for Japan and it turns out, he didn't really consider Seulgi as anyone extremely important.

I just didn't think you'd really care about this with so much on your plate...the words were cut deep like a sharp dagger. Each syllable was a stab deeper and deeper into Seulgi's heart. How can YN be so cold? How can he show almost no consideration to Seulgi?

Why did everything have to happen like this? Seulgi wanted to explain everything to him. She wanted to tell him that she didn't particularly like the kiss from Bam Bam and that even after it happened, she thought of YN instead. She felt weird, she felt bad and she felt that she was unfaithful to YN. At the end of the day, Seulgi loves YN and Bam Bam was just no match. However, as much as she wanted to explain, YN shut it down. He didn't care to listen nor did he really want to know about it.

"YN, why are you like this?" Seulgi blurted in between sniffles. "Why won't you let me explain about everything? Do you really just not like me?"

 "Why won't you let me explain about everything? Do you really just not like me?"

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For a long while, Seulgi continued to sit in her car sobbing. Her vision was blurry and her heart was heavy. She looked up through the window to see if YN still had his lights on, but as she scanned the building, his loft was pitch black. After finally calming down a little, Seulgi slowly pulled out of the parking spot to go home.


Upon hearing what happened, Jisoo was absolutely livid. After Seulgi got home, she needed to talk to someone, so she started a three-way call with Jisoo and Wendy.

"So what? He just decided on everything and bada-bing, bada-boom and he's gone? Aside from the romance stuff, a normal person wouldn't even treat a friend like that," Jisoo said frustratedly.

"It's not like that..."Seulgi said.

"Huh?" Wendy was confused.

"He saw what happened...he saw the kiss between Bammie and me last time." Seulgi said with a shaky voice.

"Oh? What did he say about that? Did he let you explain?" Jisoo asked.

Seulgi was silent, but lots of sniffles were heard. "Seulgi?" Wendy called.


Seulgi, while crying, was also getting a little frustrated with YN. More or less, she knows that he likes her at least a little bit from the way he reacted - I tried so hard to forget about it and pretend it didn't happen. "They are just good friends" I kept on telling myself. If YN really likes Seulgi, then why would he just throw the relationship away like this? Why did he coldly say that nothing matters? If he likes Seulgi, then why doesn't he just confess to her? After all, Seulgi even wrote him a letter of confession back in August. Did he read it? Did he throw it away? Does he really not like Seulgi? There were so many questions without any answers and it is making Seulgi angry, anxious and disappointed. Why is he always like this? Why does he try to push me away when I try to get close to him?

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