Chapter 1: An Edutainment Concept

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~sway in the moonlight, dense in the dark, I know that I caughttt yowr eye-

"No, no Sana, that's too much emphasis on the "tee" sound on "caught". And try "Da-n-ce", not dense." A girl with bunny teeth said.

"Ah ok" Sana replied and she continued ~sway in the moonlight, dance in the dark, I know that I cawter eye~

"Sana, try "caw Cher", that might sound more natural" a soft voice chimed in.

Sana nodded and took a deep breath. She then started singing again ~sway in the moonlight, dance in the dark, I know that I caw-Cher (caught your) eye~

"Woah, Daebak Mina!" Sana exclaimed! "That sounds a lot better."

"Yah! You're welcome. I helped too." The bunny teeth girl said with a pout.

Sana immediately ran up to the bunny girl and hugged her while saying "thank you Nayeonie" in a cute manner. She then reached out her other arm to signal Mina over for a group hug. Mina complied and brightly smiled as she joined Sana and Nayeon in a tight knit cuddle.

Just as the trio was having a sweet moment, the door to TWICE's practice room flew open and standing there was one of TWICE's manager, Hyejoon Oppa. "Girls, it's time to meet with PD-Nim. He wants to do a check in and has a few announcements.

The girls then made their way to the meeting room along with Hyejoon Oppa. Once they've arrived, a couple of the other TWICE managers were already waiting.

After sitting around for a few minutes with no PD-Nim in sight, a staffer knocked on the door and announced "PD-Nim is just wrapping up his meeting, he will be here in 5-10 minutes."

With nothing much to do but to wait, the TWICE girls sat around and found different ways to pass time. Nayeon, Jeongyeon and Jihyo started a casual conversation. Dahyun and Momo were doing some random things to each other showing loads of affection. Chaeyoung whipped out a sketchbook and started doodling, and Sana continued quietly singing her line for The Feels. For the two quiet ones, Mina and Tzuyu, they both took out their phones and started scrolling. Tzuyu immersed herself in a Tik Tok rabbit hole while Mina looked up a gameplay video on YouTube for Ghost of Tsushima, a game she recently got interested in. Of course with long YouTube videos, come some pesky and mighty long ads. As her finger poked on a video and it started loading, the first of many ads to come started playing:

A black screen with the words "What is Science to you?" Popped up along with a small box on the side that read [Skip in 10 seconds]. "Welp, I guess it's a science ad" Mina thought to herself.

*The Ad:

Mysterious Voice: What is Science to you?

The screen transitioned from a black background to a colorful science lab and a person with a lab coat popped up.

"Well, I am glad you asked!" The lab coat man said with excitement. He then yelled while striking an awkward pose "IT'S SCIENCE TIME!" The camera immediately zoomed in on the lab coat man's eye and a star effect followed by some epic rock music. The screen immediately changed backdrops into a darker tone of a lab with red, green and blue lights. The labcoat man put on his glasses and said "GLASSES", then he put on safety goggles over them and yelled "GOGGLES!"—

A "Bzzzt?!" sound effect came on and all other sounds were halted in silence. The labcoat man then said "I uh...can't see without I need them on with my goggles." As he awkwardly looked around in silence.

Although it's an ad and it's cheesy, the awkwardness was expressed perfectly and it made Mina chuckle.

The ad continued, and the labcoat man put on some gloves as the epic rock music started to rumble again in the background "GLOVES" the man yelled. Some dings and chimes shook her AirPods as if the labcoat man had successfully "transformed" or "morphed" into a scientist. The backdrop immediately transitioned back to the original bright scene and the labcoat man was there with a bright (and pretty cute to Mina's eyes) smile. He then continued "and what is science to me you ask? Well it's a mix of education, fun, discovery, and..."

Love Ain't A ScienceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ