Chapter 2: Just Haven't Met You Yet

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YN Story:


~RISKY RISKY WIGGY WIGGY THIS IS AN EMERGENCY! HELP ME, HELP ME, SOMEBODY STOP ME CAUSE I KNOW I CAN'T STOP ME!~ YN rapped...or rather yelled off the top of his lungs while driving in the car as I Can't Stop Me by TWICE was blasting through the speakers. It is a sunny morning, and the traffic wasn't too bad either; like usual, today's drive is a rather peaceful one with the exception of the chaotic sounds coming from YN rumbling the car when trying to sing. Although you are introverted, and don't usually talk a lot, it doesn't mean you don't have a crazy side. It just needs to be discovered by the select few that you feel you can be yourself and go nuts around. You don't need a lot of friends, but have a few friends you consider kindred spirits. As cliche as this sounds, you prefer quality friends over the quantity of friends.

As I Can't Stop Me came to a conclusion, you drove into your usual parking spot and started to walk towards the building. "YN!" A thunderous voice roared. It was your boss walking hastily towards you.

"Morning Soohyun." You replied with a smile. "How are you?" You exchanged pleasantries and he told you about his evening last night and spent time with his children and had a drink at the bar with his best friend. You returned with a simple "Well, I didn't do that much. Just played some games and called it a night." That is basically the usual ritual for you to relax after talking all day at work.

"I know this is a little sudden, and you don't like unplanned things, however, I was contacted by a company yesterday afternoon that wants to meet with you and me about a potential promotion event for the upcoming Science of Love & Psychology Exhibition."

"Okay..." you nodded as you listened.

"The meeting is scheduled at 9 and I don't think it'll take that long, so that should still give you plenty of time to set up for your first science performance at 11 right?" Soohyun asked.

"Yeah I should be fine. I'll just dip out if I need to, if that's ok." You replied. "Also do we have to prepare anything for this meeting...? Considering we only have 30 minutes before the meeting here. I don't think I'll be ready at all."

"Nah, it's just an initial meeting. Honestly, I'm not too sure about this either. They reached out to us, so don't worry about it too much. It's most likely pitching some ideas and talking about how we can incorporate it. It's an idol group that wants to promote with us. Somin from the marketing team will be with us too."

"An idol group?" You thought to yourself. Interesting. Could it be Red Velvet? That would be unlikely because Seulgi would've mentioned something to you if it is. ITZY wouldn't be likely either because Yeji would've gave you a heads up too. Maybe a male group? "Huh, idol group?" You asked

"Yeah, you'll know more about it when we meet them." You and Soohyun each went your separate ways to your offices to settle down. You looked at your watch and it's 8:35. You sat at your desk for a few minutes staring into space. Of course, every job has random things that unexpectedly pop up during the day, and while you go with the flow (what else can you do?), you're not particularly fond of situations like these. They make you nervous and anxious. You continued to sit there looking at the wall and said to yourself "so what the heck am I supposed to even do?" The next thing you know, it's already 8:50. Soohyun knocked on your office door and said "YN, let's take a walk with Somin and I."

TWICE Story:

[Time Rollback: 6:50am]

Arriving back to reality from a deep slumber, Jeongyeon decided to get up early and make her and her members a nice breakfast before heading to the science museum. As she made her way into the kitchen, Jihyo was already sitting at the table with a cup of tea. "Up so early?" Jeongyeon asked.

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