Chpt 38 Thirteen Training

Depuis le début

Shinoshi:Okay. What if I see Aunt Nemuri and uncle Yamada?

Eraserhead:They will most likely hang out in this office. To pass the time, sleep and read.

Shinoshi:the morning to the afternoon? That's going to be long hours.

Eraserhead:Not if you can go to sleep. Sleeping will help your injuries and relax your mind for the USJ.

Shinoshi:okay. It's going to be hard with the coffee inside me.

Eraserhead:so? Just sleep through it.

The door open and out came Present Mic and Midnight with breakfast boxes in their hands.

Present Mic: Hey, Aizawa and Mini Might. How's it going?

Midnight: How did the test go?

Shinoshi:Hey! The test was really challenging.

After some few chats and talks the pro heroes went out to the teacher lounge and make some meeting about today's day. Then started preparing for their classes.

Shinoshi is laying on the couch with his tail curled holding onto his missing stomach thinking about today. Wondering what the USJ is like. It's not like the Universal studios Japan. It's something have to deal with rescuing that will surely become like his mother.


(At lunch)

The door opens and out came Eraserhead, Present Mic and Midnight having lunches in their hands. Shinoshi sat up and they all chat and ate lunch together. Shinoshi had to be careful and not eat fast because he doesn't know what will happen.

Later on, lunch was close to ending and the others had to prepare. Midnight and present Mic went out the door and eraserhead helped shinoshi putting on his workout clothes since hard with all these casts on his body. Eraserhead was going to question about the brace on his stomach, but decided against it. Realizing it could be for his back.

Afterwards, Eraserhead showed him of where the buses are at and told him to stay there and not go anywhere.

Little Time Skip.

Sometime pass around, up ahead students from class 1A came out of the door and head towards Shinoshi. Most of them noticing that Shinoshi is there and asking why he's there.

Eraserhead answered there question and said: " this is the guest that I was talking about. "

One of the classmates: Is this also the special guest that we were going to be training with?

Eraserhead:No. It's someone else.

One of the classmates:Good. Because I don't want to work with a kid that has barely any experience.

Eraserhead:Either way, I wouldn't let you fight a kid. Unless, He takes you all on and he beats you. If that's the case, that's sad. You all will be shamed and embarrassed that a little kid can beat you. I wouldn't be proud of you guys.

One of the classmate:If you really want us to show how worthy we're of being your students. Then let's fight the little dude.

One of the classmatez: It wouldn't be a fair fight with him being all decked with casts.

One of the classmates:If that's the case then why is he here?

Eraserhead: He's here so he can get a head start of being a rescue pro like his mother.

Yamamoto:Yagi, you don't want to be like your father?

Shinoshi:No. I want to be like my mother. I'm tired of people always think I'm going to be like my father just because I look like him and his son. Doesn't mean, I can't be different. I want to be different. I want to be like my mother for once. Be recognize not as father's next generation hero but as my mother's future generation hero. So I want to be a rescue hero just like my mother!

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