Chapter 16 ~ Birthday

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Song of the chapter - Birthday Katy Perry

"We've set up a watch. They're keeping an eye out for any of Jamie's fleet," Easton says. He's watching a T. V, which is showing the views from his team.

"Do we get cameras?" Rachel asks, eyes darting from one square to the other. One of Easton's men is on top of a building, another in a car.

"Only when you leave the property. That way, my men will be able to wait for the offenders if another fiasco happens." Easton turns to face us. Rachel tears her eyes away from the screen.

"Are we done here?" Victoria asks, her tone implying she's bored.

"Oh, and Madison, I suggest a wig if you ever leave the town. Your hair is unique," Easton opens the door and shoos us from his office. The door closes behind us with a click.

"Alright. Madison, you go do something. Vicky, you're coming with me." Rachel drags Victoria away, waving at anyone she sees.

"Have fun," I call, and Victoria laughs. A couple of people walk past, then I realize I'm just standing there, so I go to my room.

"Nineteen tomorrow, and I'm wanted by a mafia. Great job me." I say, falling onto my bed. Out of habit, I start picking at my nails. My brain tells me to stop, but my body refuses to listen.

Eventually, I get bored, and grab a random book. The cover looks boring and mindless, but that's what I want. The plot is the over-done high-school romance. This could've been you, I think.

The book is so dull, I fall asleep with it still in hand.


"Madison, wake up!" Rachel's voice pulls me from my sleep.

I sit up, and glance at the clock. "How long did I sleep for?"

"The rest of yesterday," Victoria answers, tossing me a hairbrush and clothes. "Go shower, you stink."

As I walk to the shower, I see Rachel pick up the book from the floor. She looks at the cover, then puts it back on the shelf. She and Victoria high-five, then I'm in the bathroom and lose sight of them.

I look in the mirror, expecting to look older. I'm still the same, just with rumpled clothes and messy hair.

I turn the shower on, lock the door, and start to strip.

"She locked the door. You can't join her, Vicky!" Rachel yells, sending me into a fit of laughter.

I remove the last of my clothes and step into the shower. The warm water hits my skin, soothing it. I reach for the shampoo, flip my hair over my face, and start scrubbing.

Once I've dried my hair, put clean clothes on, and washed my face, I'm ready to face my friends. I unlock the bathroom door and walk into my room.

"Happy birthday Mads! Took you long enough!" Rachel throws a handful of confetti over me, and claps.

"Happy birthday," Victoria brushes some confetti off my hair and hugs me. "Rach has your present,"

"Thanks guys," I say, taking the box Rachel hands me. "For everything."

"Enough of that, open your gift," Rachel says, leaning onto Victoria, who shoves her away.

Carefully, I lift the lid off the box. Something shiny peers out at me. I drop the lid and stick a hand into the box. My hand closes around a cold, metal cylinder. The object is kind of heavy, but less than a kilo if I had to guess.

"Oh, hurry up will you?" Rachel asks. She's bouncing to contain her excitement.

I pull it out of the box in a swift yank.

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