Chapter 1 ~ Schoolkids

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Song of the chapter - Backyard boy by Claire Rosinkranz


I walk toward Jamie's lunch table, clutching my tray. People stare, making it even harder to walk through the masses. Jamie's my boyfriend. He's also the captain of the football team, meaning everyone knows who he is.

"Hey, Maddy," Jamie says. He shoves one of his friends over to make room for me and grabs my tray, putting it down for me. I sit and pick up my apple.

"Where's the rest of your food, Mads?" Liam, Jamie's closest friend, asks. He's seated across from me and is frowning at my apple and yogurt.

"Leave her alone. She's a girl, Liam. Doesn't need as much fuel." Jamie flexes his muscles and all the boys laugh and agree. The chatter at the table picks up again, and Jamie starts talking to one of the dudes sitting across from him.

He's acting like I'm not even here, so I chuck my yogurt into my hoodie pocket and go to stand, but Jamie's hand pulls me back down. Still talking with his friends, he wraps an arm around me, pinning me down. Stuck in my chair, I take the yogurt back out of my pocket and eat it.

The bell sounds and Jamie finally lets me go.

"Meet me at my car." He says and heads off to class. I sigh and start the trek to P.E.


"Hey baby," Jamie sweeps me into a hug. "Sorry, I'm late, class ran late."

I glance at my watch. School ended at 3.10. It's now 3.45. "It's okay, Mum's running late too." Jamie kisses my cheek and opens the door for me.

"Let's get you home, babe." Once I'm in the car, he shuts the door and walks round to his side.

Jamie has a pretty good car, but he comes from a pretty good family. He got the car when he became quarterback of the school's football team.

The car pulls out of the almost empty lot and into the road. We cruise along at about 60 mph. Jamie takes a hand off the wheel and puts it on my shoulder.

"So there's a party next weekend for the end of the football season," he says, taking his eyes off the road to glance at me. "And I was wondering if you'd be my date?"

"Am I not already?" I ask, turning to look at him. His face scrunches a little bit.

"Of course you are, I was just wondering if you would be able to come," Jamie explains, moving his hand a little, so it rests more comfortably on my shoulders.

"Of course. What other social life do I have?" I ask lightly. Jamie relaxes and laughs a little.

"Just making sure." Jamie frowns as his phone buzzes. He leaves it, though.

"Want me to check?" I ask, leaning forward slightly, ready to grab it if I need to.

"Nah, it's not important." Jamie turns down my street and slows according to the speed limit.

"Goodbye," I say as I grab my bag and climb out of the car. I turn to shut the door and Jamie starts leaning forward.

"Bye babe," he kisses my cheek and I shut the door. As I walk past his side of the car, I see him checking his phone.


"Why are you late, Madison?" A loud male voice blares through our small house as I shut the door. I start my walk down the hall on our worn down carpet.

"Hi to you too, Stefan. My ride was late." I walk past the kitchen and see my mother's latest boyfriend reading the newspaper.

"Unreliable boy." Stefan grumbles, turning back to his paper, and I carry on to my room.

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