Chapter 5 ~ Apologies

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Song of the chapter - Next Time JESSICA


Victoria and I finally get to school, after she makes me attempt to learn to drive her bike. I am hopeless at it. In the end, we both take my car. Rachel's waiting for us by the entrance.

"It's a full house. Are you ready?" She asks, watching my face intently.

"As I'll ever be." I say, and Victoria pushes the doors open.

As we step inside, almost all talking stops and everyone stares. The door shuts behind us. Whispers start flowing around the room. As we walk past, the crowd parts like the sea for Moses. I don't have to stop at my locker, where Liam and Jamie wait. They both watch as we walk straight past them and into homeroom.

I hear Jamie's voice as we take our seats. Rachel and Victoria sit on either side of me. Both requested to be swapped into all my classes. Even the teachers must know what happened because the requests were granted.

The bell goes and people start walking in. Most of them haven't finished staring at me. Jamie's in my homeroom, but before he can sit behind or in front of me, two of his friends take those places.

"We got you Mads," one of them says, leaning forward. "Some of us are on your side." The boy leans back into his seat.

"My side? What's up with that?" I ask Victoria. Since pictures of her sister were leaked, she's been keeping a careful eye on social media.

"Oh, there are sides to this whole thing now. You've literally split the school, Maddy,"


The day passes quickly, but not fast enough. Rachel's meeting me at the gym and Victoria's decided to come watch.

"You're going to wear those?" She asks, raising her eyebrows at my loose top and old leggings.

"Yup. I'm going to work out, not impress anyone."

"You have perfectly good workout sets in your wardrobe. Go put one of those on,"


"So you can be the hot ex, duh." Victoria stands and makes her way to my wardrobe. She pulls out a hot pink sports bra top and leggings. "Get changed,"

I take the clothes and go to the bathroom to get changed. When I come back, Victoria's frowning at her phone.

"What's up?" I ask, pulling my hair into a ponytail. Victoria's eyes move left to right across her screen.

"Did you and Jamie ever, you know?" She asks. I watch her expressions change as she keeps reading.

"You mean?" I make a gesture and she nods. "Oh gods no. I never fucked him, if that's what you mean."

"People are saying you did. People meaning Jamie. He put a post on his close friends saying Cynthia's better than Madison ever was," Victoria shows me her phone. Sure enough, there's a picture of Cynthia and Jamie and those words with a winking emoji.

"He's such a fuckboy. Why are you on his close friends?" I ask, grabbing my gym bag and water bottle.

Victoria follows me downstairs. "I'm on Cynthia's account. We should dye your hair,"

"She gave you her account?" I ask, filling my bottle. I chuck my keys to Victoria. "Lock the doors please,"

"Yeah. Back when we were friends,Victoria disappears to lock the door. The only sound is the water against the metal of my bottle. Just as it finishes filling, Victoria throws my keys.

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