Bonus Chapter ~ Feelings

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Song that inspired this chapter - Feelings EMELINE

A car races away from the house, while gunshots echo through the building. Shit. Are we too late? We can't be too late.

"Alright, move in now," my father waves his hand, ushering me and his men forward. We leave the cover of the trees.

Why the fuck did that asshole bring here her? To a town under my father's control? I know exactly why he did it. The same reason he's holding Madison in that house.


All men in this industry are hungry for it. It's why I'm going to raid a house on the outskirts of a town that disowned me. It's why my father delayed the rescue of a girl who was dragged into this life.

If I've learned anything since the day I walked in my father's office and saw him shoot a man, it's that power corrupts. Yet if we so much as taste that power, our appetite for it becomes insatiable.

I focus as my father assigns our entry points. I'm taking the front door. The easiest target, as I won't be climbing up the wall to get to it.

All the highest trained men are starting their climb, while I start my trek to the front of the house. Why the windows are so fucking high in a one-story building, I have no clue.

Surprisingly, the front door is open. Blood streaks the tables, the chairs, the counter, everything that's in this front room is covered. Can't see a body, though. The thought of Jamie draining Madison of her blood makes my heart race.

I continue walking in a rage fueled stupor. Then I stop. Footsteps below me. I listen closer. A slight noise, like someone's been hit. There must be a staircase around here somewhere. Then I spot it. The trail of red leading me straight to a trapdoor and ladder.

There's no way in hell that Jamie dragged a body down the ladder. So that means that- I cut that though off before I can get hopeful. Emotions will just get in the way of doing my job.

So I allow the darker parts of me to take the lead.


I blink, staring at the surrounding slaughter. No body, just a very bloody Jamie. According to our information, he shouldn't even be here today. It should've just been Madison by herself. No matter, I'll find her anyway. Even if this fucker has her stowed away in another hole, I'll find her. The methods I'll use might not be the most family friendly.

"What did you do with her, Bianco?" I ask, twirling a blade in my hand. It's not mine, I have no clue how it got there.

"Why would I tell you? Take that cheating bitch. You'll just have to find her before me," Jamie spits blood at the floor. He's missing a few teeth, I can see one or two scattered on the floor.

"You'll tell me because as much as you hate to admit it, that girl doesn't want you anymore." I say, hoping to get a dig at his pride.

"She doesn't want you either, judging from what I saw," Jamie laughs manically. Blood drips from his nose, from a cut on his cheek.

He's already so beaten up that I'm almost sad. Sad that someone took all the fun out of it. He only has a few hits left, till he drops dead.

"Who did this?" I ask. The other person might know where Madison is. I haven't heard anyone else in the house.

"A bastard," Jamie smiles, and coughs up more blood.

I make the decision to leave the pathetic boy behind. Up the stairs, father and the others are waiting in the front room.

"Did you break him?" A man asks, eagerly cracking his knuckles. All the men are staring at me. My clothes must be splattered with his blood.

"He was already broken. Someone else is here, and they managed to break the Bianco boy,"

My father issues orders to his men. They leave to scour the surrounding area. We wait, taking seats on the cleaner chairs.

"Who could be the other person?" I ask him.

"One of his men, or Madison," my father looks out the windows when he says this, and I realize what comes next.

"Don't say what I think you're going to," I warn, standing and pointing at him. Guilt flashes in his eyes.

"We need to go back and regroup. We didn't account for someone else being here, nor the mess they left behind." He stands and presses the button that will send the search party back here.

"Madison could still be out there! We can't just leave her, not with an unaccounted for psycho loose!"

"I'm bringing the men in. I'm sorry, Victoria, but I'm sure she can handle herself for a few hours."

My father looks at me. I know if I fight more, he's going to call the whole thing off.


Back at the motel, I go to the room I'm sharing with Rachel. She isn't there, and part of me worries. She should have got the alert to come back.

Someone knocks, and I go open the door. Relief floods through me, because Rachel's safe. If I can't keep Madison safe, then I'll try to keep her best friend safe.

But it's not Rachel standing at the door. It's Madison. Not a single sign of any injuries, or any sign she may have caused some.

My emotions pick up and start running at full speed. I'm happy to see her alive, but I'm enraged that she didn't trust us to get her. Every nerve in my body is alight at the sight of her.

A thousand words come to mind, but all I can say is;

"Oh my fucking god." 

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