Chapter 20 ~ Mantrum

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Song of the chapter - Mantrum Boys World

As expected, Jamie throws a fit at Liam the next day. I find them sparring it out in a boxing ring, Liam only defending himself. In the five minutes I've watched, he hasn't thrown one punch, and neither boy has noticed me. Both are shirtless, with sweat almost dripping from Jamie, while Liam just has a sheen of it reflecting in the light.

I wrap my own hands and start punching the bag, figuring Jamie probably won't let me out to go for a jog. If I'm being honest, I'm never leaving this house again.

I get so focused on letting my emotions out that I don't notice Liam leaving and Jamie watching me. By the time I do, he's made himself comfortable leaning on the ropes.

"Don't mind me, I'm just enjoying the view." Jamie smirks. I flip him the bird and turn around to continue punching.

"Was that an offer?" He asks, and I hear the stands holding the ropes up creak as he slides through.

"No." I answer, trying to keep punching the bag and not him as he walks closer. He moves right behind me and I can smell the sweat on him.

"Let me know when it is, sweetheart," hot breath fans over my ear and I can smell alcohol on it. He's fucking drunk.

"Are you drunk?" I ask. Not the smartest question to ask a drunk person. I turn, keeping my fists at my side.

"Have you seen the way Liam looks at you?" Jamie ignores me, and takes a step closer. I step back, the alcohol reminding me of Stefan. Reminding me of that night.

"He looks at you the way I do. The way that Levine girl did. But you're mine, and no one else is going to be touching you."

I can see the obsession burning in his eyes. It's disgusting. Again he steps closer, and again I step back. My back hits the punching bag, and it moves slightly.

"Why did you run from me? We were so good together, so god-damn good. Everything was falling into place, and you ruined it,"


The bed I'm in doesn't feel like home. I can't bring myself to call anything in this room mine, or this place home. I check the time. 12:23 AM. The tracker is still in place, and I've been wearing it just in case they ever decided to show up. To rescue me.

A few minutes later, my despair has faded to anger. I rip the watch off and hurl it at the wall. It hits with a clunk and slight shatter, and falls with another clunk. Tears start to flow down my face, a mixture of anger and sadness.

Instead of pushing the sadness aside, I sit with my demons. I listen to them, because if I counted the amount of times they have been there when no one else was, I'd need more hands.

When the sun rises, I've formed a plan to ruin Jamie, maybe catching the Levine's in the process. Part of me hates that fact, but the rest of me shrugs. Collateral damage. They had the chance to get me out without hurting themselves, now it's time for me to go my way.

I get out of bed and get dressed, throwing athletic wear on, just a sports bra, shorts and shirt. Time to use the pieces I've been given to play.

Liam and Jamie are both eating toast in the kitchen when I strut in. My lower midriff is visible, and I see both boys swallow before Liam looks away. Jamie keeps his eyes glued to me, eating in the view and his toast.

"What's the plan for today?" I ask, swiping half a bit of toast from Jamie. He freezes at first, but then pushes his plate toward me.

"Liam and I have important business in town." Jamie answers, stuffing the last of his toast into his mouth.

"What am I supposed to do all day?" Lie. I know what I'm doing. Jamie will probably tell me to watch a movie, or read.

"We won't be gone all day, just the morning and some of the afternoon," Jamie reassures me, brushing crumbs off his front.

"Still, I'm going to be bored all day." Lie. I'm going to snoop around as much as I can.

"To make it up to you, we'll have a movie night and popcorn for dinner." Jamie stands, puts the plate in the sink and starts preparing to leave.

"That sounds delightful, I'll look forward to it all day." Lie. The only good thing that can come out of this is putting my plan in action.

"Then we'll be on our way." Jamie and Liam leave, Jamie pressing a kiss to my cheek as he walks past. I freeze, and resist the urge to wipe it off until he's gone.

Once I hear the car leave, I scrub at my cheek. I think of all the times that I treasured moments like these. All the times I wished he would take the lead and kiss me.

Then I shake the memories away, because I can't afford to focus on those. Memories bring back unwanted feelings.

This is a different house than last time. Smaller, yet somehow more grand. Everything matches, from the expensive dining chairs, to the beams supporting the ceiling.

I start my exploration in the dining room. I don't expect any secrets to be hidden here, and I don't find anything. The next place I try is the next door on the hallway.

Surprisingly, it's unlocked, and the door swings open to reveal an office. Bookshelves line one wall, paintings another and a massive window on the last. I step around the desk and survey the world outside the window.

Gardens, massive gardens. One or two people tend to them. I can't see any signs of a road, so we must be deep into a farm. Trees surround the property, lots of pine trees. I bask in the sunlight for a minute, then turn my focus to the desk

The first draw I try is locked, so I try another. Nothing. Frustrated, I bang my hand on the wood, but then a thought hits me. A hidden drawer. I start searching, pressing into any little crevices I can see. My fingers slide over a bump. Bingo.

I press it in, and hear a pop and creak. The hidden drawer doesn't open where I expected. Rather, the whole top of the desk unlatches. I lift it, and find many sheets of paper.

If any random person stumbled upon this, they would not know what they're looking at. However, I'm looking for a few keywords, my name, Victoria's name, anything that looks familiar.

I find one document. A printed out email to Jamie from someone named Gerald. I hear footsteps and quickly stuff the paper down my bra, close the top and pretend to be studying the bookshelves

"Some interesting reads here." A deep male voice speaks. His presence is suffocating. As soon as he stepped into the room, I could smell the authority on him, pushing through the layers of suit and Lynx.

"Indeed. Unfortunately, I have not found anything to my taste," I pretend to push a book back into place and turn around to study the man.

Around the same age as Jamie's father, dark haired and tan. The perfect morally grey villain from a book.

"Does Jack Reacher not excite you?" The man asks, taking a seat opposite the desk.

"I'm more into another kind of book," I smile, pretending to be the woman he thinks I am. Making him think I have no clue what that desk holds under the surface.

The man raises his eyebrows, knowing exactly what type of book I mean. He coughs and I take that as my cue to leave.

Once the door clicks shut behind me, I check my bra for the paper. Still there, although it's slipped down a bit. The safest place to read this would be in the bathroom.

I walk upstairs to where I'm staying and lock the door, telling the maid I wish to take a bath and am not to be disturbed until Jamie is home.

After running the tap for a while, I find the perfect temperature.. I do intend to hop in, I just want to read the email first. My top gets dropped in the wicker basket under the sink, and I remove the paper from its hiding spot.

The DNA test for Madison has come back. Results are as expected, and yet they still shock me. The man is her father, and putting her in your bloodline would create an alliance between you two. I'll keep this short, as I know you're a busy man.

Regards, Gerald.

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