Chapter 8 ~ Sanctuary

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Song of the chapter - Enough Charlieonnafriday

"You let your son organize a hit on my daughter?" Easton Levine puts Alex's phone on his desk and looks up at Valerio and Jamie.

"The hit was all his work and wasn't aimed at your daughter," Valerio's voice is smooth. He puts an arm around Jamie. "I never assisted him in any way."

"Yet your ignorant fool of a son hired someone to take out a high-school student. I could have him dead for this." Easton stands, towering over Valerio. "Please, take a seat."

Not wanting to upset the boss, who could kill his son at any moment, Valerio sits and pulls Jamie into a chair. The office of Easton Levine is surrounded with bookshelves on all but one wall, which has a window.

Rachel, Victoria and I stand behind Easton, Rachel and Victoria with their arms crossed. I'm in the middle of them, avoiding Jamie's gaze. I feel his eyes burning a hole through my chest.

"Why was the hit even organized in the first place?" Valerio turns to his son. "Isn't Madison your girlfriend?"

"I was, until your son cheated on me." I say, crossing my arms and looking at Jamie for the first time. I glare at him and he looks down.

"Jamie, is this true?" Valerio asks his son. Jamie nods, seemingly too ashamed to speak.

"Well then. I'm calling for sanctuary on these girls." Easton pulls some paper out of a drawer on his desk and grabs a pen.

"They aren't a part of your mafia," Jamie says, "You can't call sanctuary on civilians,"

"You shouldn't order hits on them, either. Especially when you're the one in the wrong." Easton says, starting to write on the paper. He turns around to us. "Victoria is already under my protection, but Rachel and Madison will need to sign their lives to me,"


"Technically, you signed your lives to me and my father," Victoria says, pouring us some juice. "I was named his heir after Cynthia refused."

"Great, you own us now," Rachel throws her hands in the air dramatically. "What do you reckon Jamie's punishment will be?"

"Not sure, but he could be killed for what he did. Luckily for him, he's Valerio's heir, so he won't be," Victoria jumps onto the counter and swings her legs. "Probably just grounded."

"Welcome to the mafia world, Rachel and Madison," a woman breezes into the kitchen, holding some paper. "Here are your copies of the contract. You've just entered into the most secretive, dangerous part of this town."

The contracts are put on the bench and the woman leaves again. She shuts the door behind her. Rachel and I pick up the contracts. I read mine silently whilst Rachel reads hers out loud.

"This contract decrees that the life of Rachel Bond now belongs to the Levine family. She has been granted sanctuary and any attempts to kill or harm her will be taken as a personal hit on the family and retaliated. And then w hole a lot of fine print and signatures."

"I had to sign one too," Victoria grabs the paper from Rachel and scans it quickly. "Because I wasn't born into it." She gives the paper back.

I shove mine in my pocket and Easton walks in.

"Rachel and Madison. Just the girls I was looking for. You will be treated as part of the family now and if you wish you may live with us." Easton grabs the juice bottle and walks out again.

"Oh yeah, you guys want to leave home?" Victoria asks, looking at me. "You'll still get to see your parents, but you'll be safer here once the safeguard loses effect."

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