Chapter 12 ~ Engagement

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Song of the chapter - abcdefu Gayle

"I have my own conditions." I say, swinging my legs off the side of the bed and standing. I'm still in the dress from last night, thankfully my hair is still in good condition.

"Name them," Jamie's eyes run over my body. "I'll accept them within reason,"

I smooth the party dress down and click my fingers to get his attention. "Eyes up here,"

Jamie watches my face carefully. "Where's that dirty mouth of yours, Mads? The one those girls gave you?"

"Right fucking here. I'm just trying to not get myself killed," I say, walking round the bed, so I'm standing in front of him. "Rachel and Victoria plan the wedding."

"Those are your conditions?" Jamie asks, smirking. I can't wait to wipe it from his face.

"Well, Victoria is an awesome designer and Rachel is Rach," I say, gesturing to my dress.

"Okay then, I'll inform every one of your decision and Liam will escort Rachel to the Levine's." Jamie unlocks the metal door and turns back to me. "I'll arrange more suitable accommodation. You'll be needing this,"

A ring flies toward me and I catch it out of reflex. A simple diamond engagement stone. I wait for the door to close and then hurl it at the door. I go to pick it up and hear a commotion.

"Twinkle twinkle little bitch. Just another narcissist!" Rachel yells, as she walks past Jamie.

"Hate your guts, you make me sick," Jamie yells back, taunting her.


"Are you even the legal age for marriage?" Victoria asks. She's on her phone, trying to find a loophole.

"I turn nineteen in a few weeks,"

"I don't think we have a way out of this Mads." For the first time, Victoria looks worried. Even the first time Jamie tried to kill me, she never looked worried.

Victoria was always calm and in control. She never let emotions stop her. Her usually perfect posture collapsed and her voice broke.

"You have to marry him."

"It'll stop him from killing you and Rachel," I get up and walk over to her, taking her hands in mine. "I can be miserable, so you can live."

"Mads, you've known us for about three months. Why?" Victoria asks, looking me in my eyes and holding the contact.

"Because I've known you for about three months, and he'll kill you anyway," I stare into Victoria's eyes, watching the emotions swirl around them.

For a moment we stay like that, then I lean down and press my forehead to hers.

"It'll be ok,"

"You don't understand, Mads. You can't marry him," Victoria reaches up, her hands cupping my cheeks, Slowly she brings her lips up to meet mine.

"I told you about Jamie cheating because I wanted you." She says against my lips. After a minute of her not making a move, I realize she's waiting for permission. My heart starts racing, I can feel my palms starting to get sweaty.

"I'm glad you told me," I say, and her lips move against mine. At first, I don't kiss her back, the only other person I've kissed was Jamie. Then I mold my lips to hers. Her touch is electrifying, sparking something deep inside me.

"Jeez, you two get a room," Rachel says, walking up to us. She sits next to Victoria. "Any loopholes?"

"Technically, you interrupted us. No to the loopholes," Victoria pulls me down next to her and wraps her arm around me.

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