"Freed," Kiba muttered as he stepped forward

"Well you two should get going now," I said 

Xenovia and Irina both nodded and jumped down to join in.

"When will we do something," Tiamat asked bored

"Who knows, if it goes well then we don't do anything,"

Then Another magic circle appeared and then 2 Cerberus came out of it

"You can play with these as we wait," Kokabiel said as he then summoned a chair and sat on it

The battle then started from there. Kiba was focused on Freed with Xenovia and Irina helping while Rias's peerage was split fighting the two Cerberus.

Tiamat and I were watching and waiting as the time ticked and finally Freed had been taken down.

"Now... I will destroy you along with Excalibur," he said as he raised his sword up, he was about to slam it down when Koneko came in and punched him full force in the jaw knocking him out. Then Irina grabbed the Excalibur and all three started to leave

"Koneko! What are you doing!" Rias yelled filled with anger

Just then a light spear came down right in front of the three stopping them.

"Sorry but you can't take that," Kokabiel said with a grin

"Well, time to go. Put on your mask Tiamat,"

"I got it," She said as we both jumped right in front of the three

"Oh? Who might you be? Someone from the church?"

"No shit, but we'll need those so you won't be taking them," I said with a grin

"Yuuki!" Issei yelled

"Better focus up if you don't want to die," I reminded him

"You think you can stop me?" Kokabiel said angriely 

"Of course,"

He then threw and lightning bolt right below my feet but I didn't flinch

"You three keep running. Tsubaki will open up the barrier for you," They all nodded and continued to leave "You go with them," I said to Tiamat

"...Fine," She sounded annoyed but as long as she got it done it didn't really matter

"Now, Kokabiel why don't you come down, I can't fly you know," 

"You can't even fly and you dare challenge me?"

I then got into a running position and blitzed right under him and then flew up "Kidding," I said as I knocked him right in the head knocking him back. Just then the barrier around us shattered as well

"Tch, damn brat!" He yelled as he summoned a huger light spear and threw it right at me. I put out my hand and as soon as it made contact it shattered

"...Who are you," His tone now serious

"A king," I replied as I flew towards him and started exchanging blows. Although it seemed that without magic he was pretty useless since he was getting his ass beat.

"You damn!" He then threw more light spears that all got canceled out.

"Show me something more. It'll be disappointing if all leaders are this weak,"

He then flew right at me with only a fist only for me to outspeed him and slam him right to the ground.

I put my foot on his head "Who knew that leaders are all this weak, if I knew it was like this I could have done this when I was 8,"

"YOU FUCKER!" He yelled as he summoned another light spear

I let out a sigh and then stomped on his head completely flattening it and killing him.

"Well, you can deal with the Cerberus's. I gotta go," I said as I started to leave.

I was surprised that Vali didn't show up since he wanted the Excaliburs but I guess he opted out.

As I left I passed the Sona peerage who was missing Tsubaki.

"What did you do to her!" Sona yelled


"Why did Tsubaki betray us? With Koneko too!"

"Don't ask me, although your Gremoory friends could use some help. If you focus on me they may die,"

Sona made and sour face but then ran with her peerage to the battlefield

I walked a little further away and was about to teleport away when I heard "So you're the guy who has been hanging around with Vali,"

The voice was emotionless, I slowly turned around, already nearly frozen from her aura alone.


"I don't really need you interfering with my plans so I should probably kill you,"

"Don't screw with me! I'm not going down that easy!" I yelled

I then charged at her first with a kick to the jaw which dodged. I followed up with a punch to the stomach which connected. Only for her not to react to it at all.

"DON'T FUCK WITH ME!" I yelled

"Attempting to evolve Individual Yuuki Kagurazaka's unique skill Greed to Ultimate skill King of Greed Mammon... Successful. Granting User Yuuki Unique skill Creation... Successful,"

Ophis then gave a faint grin. I charged at her again this time making sure to dodge my attacks. Then she palm-fisted me right in my gut before I could even react.

I got sent flying back hitting my back on a wall then coughing up blood.

"You have potential. A Sin skill is something only the best of the best have, tell me what's your name?"

"..." I didn't respond at first but then slowly raised my head as I got back up "Yuuki,"

"Yukki... Join me, together we will be able to take down great red. I see it in you... your greed. I can help you with it, just accept my offer,"

I smirked "No way in hell am I doing that! I'll take down that damn Dragon myself If I have to in order to take the world, even if that means I have to take you down as well,"

"Interesting... I'll be watching you with great interest," Ophis said before disappearing right away.

"Damn... that hurt," I said as I passed out.


Thanks for reading this chapter! Yuuki finally got Mammon :). Also For Slime LN readers, the scene may have seemed a little familiar. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you all soon!

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