Chapter 25: Wishes

Start from the beginning

"I love you so much." Namjoon hums and rocks his mate in his arms.

"What's in the folder?" Jin asks when he sees the third item Namjoon brought into the room.

"Hmm, it's more like a gift for all of us." Namjoon answers and hands the folder to Jin.

Jin opens the folder then instantly starts crying when he sees the paperwork to officially adopt Yoongi.

"My father dropped them off last night when he came to visit." Namjoon softly explains and sways with Jin in his arms.

"Where do we sign the papers?" Jin sniffles and picks up his brand new pen as he flips through the paperwork.

"Right here." Namjoon smiles and points to the line that is waiting for their signatures.

"Do we bring these to court to the judge?" Jin asks and quickly signs the paper.

"Mhm, I have it scheduled for today. Is that ok with you?"

"I love that. This is the best birthday I've ever had." Jin cries and looks over at the pup who is looking at them with curiosity.

"Eomma, Yoongi made you this." Yoongi smiles and hands Jin a drawing of their family. In the drawing, Yoongi is standing between Jin and Namjoon while holding both of their hands. He drew an arrow to point at Jin's tummy and scrawled Taehyung's name on the arrow.

"I love this. Thank you, Yoongi." Jin smiles and happily kisses Yoongi's forehead.

"Appa taught me how to write Taetae's name." Yoongi smiles and proudly points to his writing.

"My Yoonie is so smart." Jin smiles and pats Yoongi's head.

"Do we want to get ready for the big day?" Namjoon asks and looks at his mate and pup.

"YES!" Yoongi cheers and bounces on the bed with a big smile.

Namjoon and Jin lovingly watch Yoongi as he runs off of the bed over to the closet where his clothes are neatly stacked with his parents' clothes. After grabbing his clothes, he dashes to the bathroom and turns the bathtub on.

"Is our little Yoonie this excited?" Namjoon asks as he carries Jin into the bathroom.

"Sooooo happy!" Yoongi shouts and bounces around the bathroom.

"Do you want to take a bubble bath with Eomma?" Jin asks as Yoongi dumps the bottle of bubbles into the bathtub.

"Yes!" Yoongi shouts and happily claps his hands.

Namjoon carefully helps Jin into the bathtub then picks Yoongi up and sets him in front of Jin. Jin grabs the shampoo and begins washing Yoongi's hair while the pup plays with the bubbles. Namjoon quickly picks up his phone and takes a picture of the sweet moment.

The bath is filled with laughter and happiness. Namjoon lovingly rubs his mate's head, giving him a massage. Jin happily hums and enjoys the massage as he carefully rinses Yoongi's hair.

Once the bath is over, Namjoon grabs a towel and scoops Yoongi out of the water and sets him down then grabs another towel and carefully lifts Jin out of the bathtub.

"Yoongi is a big boy. Yoongi can dry himself!" Yoongi cheers as he runs over to his clothes and proceeds to dry himself off.

"Our Yoonie is such a sweet boy." Jin smiles and leans into Namjoon's arms.

"He is. We will love him so much that he will forget the pain of his past." Namjoon hums and lovingly rubs Jin's back.

After Jin and Yoongi are dried and dressed, Namjoon takes a quick shower and gets ready for the day. As he showers, Jin and Yoongi draw together.

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