CHAPTER 28 : Fight

Start from the beginning

“You don’t get it!” He growled, causing Violet to come down. Damn, he was actually angry. I didn’t know if it was this or something else that was on his nerves. 

“What happened?” Violet asked him, as I set the laptop aside. 

“This happened! You didn’t even tell me!” He shook the form in front of her face, making me stand up. “You’ve ticked almost all of them.” 

“Yeah.. I am participating.” She said with a small voice. 

“No! I will be refilling your form and I am not putting you on any of the hard ones.” He said, folding the paper and giving her a look. 

“No!” Violet replied with her own stern look. 

“You’ve ticked them all, Violet.” He said, shaking his head and giving me a look before looking back at her again. 

“Don’t spoil her enthusiasm, Indigo.” I linked him but he ignored me. 

“Well duh! I’m doing so well in training. Ask Klaus and Jane if you want. I can swim now and climb all kinds of trees. My driving skills are ‘fast and furious’ levels. Look, look at my muscles.” She showed him her biceps, raising her sleeves. “All this for nothing! I can run for hours like a damn horse. You know I did a bigger swing than Jane!”

“Yeah, don’t deny it, you've seen her.” I pitched for my pup. All I wanted was to see her happy. But Indigo ignored me again.

What the fuck was his problem?

“What about the ones in your wolf? How are you gonna do that?” He asked her. 

Oh, he didn’t know about that. 

“For that I have it all planned. You don’t need to worry at all!” She flipped her hand in front of him with a chuckle. “I have this whole big wolf costume designed for me. It’s amazing I tell you. Eli loved it! But Paolo is so fucking jealous!” She told him with a beaming smile. 

“How could I deny that?” I linked Indigo again. 

“You knew about this too?” He questioned through the link and I shrugged. 

“No, I am taking your names off the wolf activities. You can take part in those which you can actually perform.” He stated. 

“No, dude! What about my perfect costume? It's black just like yours but the paws are like Lotte. So I am a combo of you too! Imagine how lovely our little family would look.” She argued, stomping her feet. 

“Show him your eyes.” I linked Violet, knowing he’d melt easily for his pup.

“Fine.” Indigo grumbled and Violet jumped to hug me. 

“I get to wear my costume! Yes! Oh my god, I have to tell Eli.” She jumped just like the day she told me about the whole costume thing. 

“Wait, wait, listen to what I have to say.” Indigo took her attention again, making her pout.  “You can wear that costume but participating in wolf activity is not what I am approving of." She whined, slumping her shoulders but Indigo continued, "Listen! You can participate in the others but you’ll constantly have either one of us with you. Got it?” He asked and she nodded with a grumble. 

Violet went to her room after we had lunch and Indigo left for work without even saying a word to me. He did not say a word to me this whole time. He hardly even looked at me. Something was definitely wrong and I was not understanding what. I tried linking him to stop him so he could talk to me but he blocked me. So I just thought about talking to him once he was free in the evening. 

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