-54. Honour

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Dean POV:

Luffy has been kicking ass from Cracker for at least 20 minutes now. I could easily beat him to pulp, but it's Luffy fight. A man even if you are a sibling, you can't interfere in a fight. NEVER! I have learned that lesson from Kakashi sensei when I was on the ninja universe.

I can only help when they are seriously going to get killed in the next second.

Anyways, my mind was wondering off about Nami the whole time since she kept glaring at me and Chopper for some reason.... I even tried to read her mind but it doesn't work. I think this power only works when someone is clueless unlike she is.

"Do I got something on my face?"

Chopper: No you don't.

"Then why is she starting at us for the past minutes?"

Chopper turned around and looked at Nami. He freaked out and went behind Deans back. He knows when Nami has a aura of killing someone, you gotta stepped back.

Chopper thoughts: I'm dead! I'm dead! She's gonna kill me! Nami is scary!

"What the? Oi Nami are you okay?"

Nami: To hell with it. Chopper you think im going to let you live when you pushed me off from Jays back?

"BAHAHAHAHAHA! Chopper you got some guts."

Nami: And you. I'm not gonna forgive you for fake dying here.

"Hey! That wasn't intentional!"

Nami: Hmph!

She turns away looking at Luffy fight. Before I could even talk with her, Chopper tortures me. He's already on my head; cuddling me. I could barely see anything since his body is wrapped on my face.

"Chopper move it."

Chopper: NO! Nami is too scary! WAAAAAAAAH!


"Nami? Chopper move, what the hell is happening?"

After using force to move Chopper, I saw that one of Crackers soldiers were attacking us. We were surrounded in a circle-like. I checked to see what's Luffy doing, but he was thrown off somewhere.

I pulled Nami closer to me. Our backs were touching including Chopper using one of his heavypoints or something to get bigger.

"There's just crackers weaklings, let me take care of this."

I digged a little into the ground and used my legs into the hole.

Deans description:

His eyes became purple without him realizing it but a collision to the ground bursted making a huge hole. He wanted to make a small one but he was shock himself that he could do that. Half of the crackers soldiers were falling from it. The eyes became back to normal. Dean ignored his powers and went on the side of Nami and attacked them.

He then stopped and crouched down with his arms wrapped around him.

Nami: What are you doing? HELP ME!

"Luffy is gonna attack them in seconds, no need to interfere."

Shit. Why do I feel cold and uneasy? My body has a normal temperature but this feels way off. It feels like i'm going to get...

SHIT! My ears are ringing just like I thought it would. It was increasing and blood was gushing down. I cleared the blood from ears a little bit.

"I thought this stopped when Doffy was defeated? Is he calling me again since he went to prison?" he thought.

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