-34. MarineFord Pt.3

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"He's not dead...right?"

Dean was shivering, he was in shocked and confused.

Whitebeard didn't say anything. Dean found his answer when one of Ace bead showed up beneath their feet. WB closed his eyes and he pushed Dean to go there to help Luffy.

"There's still some time. His soul is disappearing slowly, but I can bring him back." Dean said and quickly rushed there.

Akainu was fighting Marco right now. Jimbei took Luffy. Now everyone is leaving one by one. Dean ran and he saw his body, still smiling.

"You bastard." He murmured.

Dean grabbed Ace and put him on his shoulder. "There's still a chance. I can do this. I ca—"

Akainu: Where do you think you are going with my victory body?

"Victory? Piece of shit, don't talk about him like that"

Akainu: Let the pirate scum die in peace, I killed him so I should take care of the body.

Dean felt some warmth behind him. "He's still warm. Is there a chance his soul is still there?" he thought.

"Fuck, I don't have time for this."

Dean had his one arm opened and his other arm holding onto Ace. He was fighting Akainu right now.

Dean was taking steps back so that bastard won't damage Ace anymore. His organs are gone, but as long as his soul is still roaming around he can get back to it.

"Flame Rasigan."

Dean attacked him, but Akainu grasped his hand; popping magma from his touch, which made his hand burned from the magma. "Shit shit." Dean had no choice but to run backwards. Without realizing it, he was a step closer to falling down in the cliff that WB caused.

When he turned around, he knew he was screwed. Akainu attacked him again and he was aiming at Ace. Dean blocked it with his foot making the magma burned his right leg. He was screaming not because Akainu hit him, but due to falling into the dark hole.


Everyone: DEAN! ACE!

Dean and ace were flying down for about a minute now. "I shouldn't have not thought how it felt falling down from this shit.. this is never gonna end."

While they were flying, Dean was looking at Ace. He was turning a little cold now. Dean quickly used the power that he stole from Brooke.

"We're flying down to death, but i'll save us later. You gotta come back to life. One shot one kill."

He sighed. "Revive Revive awakening." he said. A green glow came out of Ace, it was his soul roaming around near his body, trying to get out. Dean could hear his voice again and started to burst out laughing.

"Seriously? Are you that dumb getting stuck to move onto the afterlife?"

Ace: What the hell? How can you hear me?

"Get back in your body."

Ace: What? I can't, i'm dead.

"You are not dead. See I'm talking to you right now. So get back in there."

Ace: I'll try.

Ace went back to his body, Dean could see his soul back to his heart. He saw he was beating again. Ace was sighing like crazy trying to adjust his broken lungs.

Ace: Shit..this is hard when your organs are all gone.

"No wonder you can't scream like a horse since we're falling."


Dean shake his head. He turned into a phoenix. From the gravity pulling them down, he couldn't stop but go down quicker.

When they finally reached to the bottom bottom. Dean used his body as bait and protect Ace. He turned himself back to normal and hold Ace tightly near his chest. Dean falls to the ground pretty bad.

Ace: DEAN!

Dean was badly injured from all that fighting, but he was able to manage to stand up. He was limping because of his leg and hand.

Dean saw a purple light coming behind of Ace. At first he thought he was dreaming, until the purple shine grew bigger. "Ace look! Am I tripping?"

Ace was looking at it confused. "What is that? It's so strange."

"I don't know, but I think it's our only option out of here."

Ace: Even if it's death?

"Well you already died once so..."

Ace didn't wanted to argue.

"Hold on, I think we need to make a plan. If by chance the marines comes below, they need to find our body. This is going to take everything out of me, so you gotta carry me Ace."

Ace had a serious face on and nodded. "Well hurry up, the weird portal thingy is disappearing now."

"Room. Takt."

Dean replaced rocks and switched position two people who didn't survived and fell down with them. He changed their faces like Ace and himself and their clothes just like them.

Ace: Woah, it's like i'm starring at myself.

"Sorry dooplegangers, rest in peace."

Dean fell down to the ground. He couldn't move for a while now. Ace quickly took him and they ran to the portal, which was now fully gone when they entered it.

Then the next second a hit of white-light shined in them, and they became unconscious.

—Meanwhile (The War):

Sengoku yells in their victory. Shanks and the marines decide to cooperate to look for Dean and Ace bodies. The whitebeard pirates yells in pain and the war has ended.

Shanks: Dean...

Jay and Ayana were behind him. They were pouring in tears, they missed Dean so much and they wanted to meet him, but he's now gone in their eyes. Since Dean was gone from this world, Jay was now into his original form; the small sparrow.

Ayana: If only we were by his side...

A week later...

—World Newspapers

The Greatest world at all times, the famous Yonko, Whitebeard: Edward Newgate, Second-Division of the WB Pirates; Portgas D. Ace, and the Rebel Rookie; Dark Destroyer has all been defeated and confirmed deceased.

They found two bodies of Dean and Ace underground, and the world government agreed to give them to the Red-Hair Shanks that will deal with the funeral on their end.

The world was now in shocked.


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