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Band-Aid is officially over!

I started this story around the end of June 2022, and finished it 11th September 2022.

The idea to write a fanfiction came spontaneously to me at midnight, as a result of days upon days of searching for a Hyunjin fanfiction with a bittersweet ending.

So, I gave up and decided to write my own!

This was the first story I've ever written, so I'm sorry if it's either rushed or messy or contains mistakes. English isn't my first language, but I worked hard on this story and I hope you all enjoyed it <3

As I write this we are at 1.7k reads!! I genuinely didn't expect anyone other than my irl friends to read it 💀 but honestly I'm so so thankful for each and every single one of you who took the time out of their day to read this.

Those of you who voted for my chapters, added my story to their library, or commented, mean soo much to me and y'all were my motivation to keep going.

And a special thanks as well to my irl friends, who know themselves, for helping me and supporting me throughout the story as well. Without you guys, I wouldn't have been able to finish Band-Aid ♡

This was such a fun experience, and I'll always remember the summer of 2022 with Band-Aid.

I'm sorry for the people I've upset with the ending :(

I hope you guys noticed the little easter eggs and hidden spoilers throughout the book 🤭

Every little detail mentioned is there for a reason..

If you have any questions feel free to ask them here!

I MIGHT write another fanfiction for Felix. I've already planned the general plot of the story, but I'll see if I'll have time to write it during my senior year, since it's quite tough and stressful, but writing makes me happy, so if i do ever start it, I'll take my time updating it.

School is why the last few chapters took so long to update :/

Thank you sm again for reading my story!


● My motivators throughout my Band-Aid writing journey!

---> UrMomDonna - kurapikasredeyeball- icantreadbcsicant - AyaYoussif2 - GirlUmmie123 - Y_n_Chan05 - Hyunjxnsluv - camvuri - hyunjinsmootharmpits - rinatthedisco - melioxxchrq - skylarrinnnn - thatpippypoopoogirl - Hwang083 - xxx_cherrymoondust - streetlightsshadow -
corzz_14 - renoknight <---

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