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The past few days have consisted of Nari applying to Phoenix's universities, as well as her adjusting to the news of their movement.

She had informed her best friend, Yuri, of the news, who was incredibly happy and excited; going on a rant about how amazing their life would be, and how much fun they would have together.

Their conversation had helped her feel less miserable about moving, and accept the reality she was living. 

She knew that moving was a great option and that her life in Phoenix would be great. But no matter how wonderful life in Phoenix seemed, she couldn't shake the sadness of leaving the group of boys, which had become a huge part of her life in the past couple of months, behind. 

However, she knew she would eventually get used to it, and that the pain would fade with time. 

What would hurt her most is the boy she had fallen for, the same boy she had been fascinated by during high school and had spent years learning how to sketch just to draw him. After getting to know him, she found him to be even more amusing. It felt like he was a dream, broken by the cruelty of this world at such a young age, but still shone brightly through all the cracks. 

Maybe they were never meant to be together; rather find each other during a tough time, to help ease that aching, even if just a little. Nari was fine with that, she thought, because she should be grateful that she had found him once again during her lifetime. That boy with such captivating features, to the point where she had learned how to draw just to capture his beauty, in case she'd ever forgotten it.

Now, not only does she have sketches of him, but photographed pictures as well. Even if fate has chosen for them to separate, she still had proof of meeting such a remarkable group of boys. 

Everything happens for a reason.. 

Beomgyu had been helping his mother find a house and a school so that they could move as soon as possible. He settled on surprising Leo and Soobin when he moved, instead of informing them beforehand. 

They would buy new furniture once they moved since their current furniture was already old enough. 

"Did you find a school, yet?" Nari asked, strolling into the kitchen where Beomgyu and her mother sat, searching for schools in Phoenix. 

"We have registered into a couple of schools, so we are just waiting for them to reply. Oh, and we found a few houses. We want your opinion on the houses, so we can pick one," Beomgyu spoke mindlessly, his focus on the laptop before him.

"Alright, show me," Nari said, taking a can of soda from the fridge before sitting beside Beomgyu.

Nari went through the houses and helped them pick.

"Mom, can I invite my friends over tomorrow? I gotta tell them about me moving, so I can bid them goodbye before I leave," Beomgyu asked, popping a grape into his mouth from the bowl of fruits which always sat in the middle of the kitchen table.

"Yeah. Of course, honey," his mother replied with a tender smile.

Everyone was quite relaxed now; knowing that things were taking a turn for the better, Nari had guessed.

"Don't be too loud, though," Nari remarked, frowning.

Beomgyu snorted, "as if that is even possible."

Nari sighed.

"Just leave the house when they come, Nari. I'll be here, so you don't have to worry," Nari's mother reassured, and Nari pursed her lips before nodding.

As if on cue, her phone's screen lit up; a message from 'Hyunie'.

She felt excitement surge through her at the pop-up of his name. They rarely ever texted, anyway.

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