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She watched the streets she'd grown up in pass by her, the headphones she wore blocking out the noise surrounding her.

It felt bittersweet, because upon ending a chapter of her life, she was starting a new one.

The whirring of the train had been enough to work as a lull for her; sending her into dreamland.

Have you heard of the saying that one's soul feels what's yet to come prior to its occurrence? Well, perhaps that's what happened with this group of friends.

One would say their goodbyes had been too dramatic. But, in reality, they knew deep down that it had been the end of their short-lived friendship.

Everything happened for a reason, even their uninterest in social media, because if only they'd taken each other's usernames, this wouldn't have been the end for them.

A coincidence where none of them cared about such things, ignorant of the separation it'd cause them.

Nari felt like she'd expected this to happen, somehow, but that expectation hadn't been enough to soothe the sinking of her stomach at the feel of an empty pocket.

Her phone had been long forgotten on the train, which had already left by now.

Their only source of connection was gone; diminished by fate's cruelty.

Maybe it's better this way; new beginnings where she'd leave all that connected her to the town of her childhood behind, including them.

She felt like no matter what she'd do, it would always end like this, so she'd submitted to it.

A few hours later...

Beomgyu had informed Soobin about his movement to Phoenix during the train ride, warning him not to tell Leo about it, so that he could surprise her.

The plan had been for Soobin to take Leo to Beomgyu's new house, keeping her ignorant of who it belonged to, and then he would surprise her with his appearance.

However, Leo had insisted on Soobin telling her where they would be heading, and Soobin being a bad liar, gave in and admitted that Beomgyu had wanted to surprise her.

Upon seeing Beomgyu, she played along and gasped dramatically before attacking him with a hug, causing the both of them to fall to the ground with a thud, breaking Beomgyu's bones in the process.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU KEPT THIS FROM ME!" Leo yelled out, continuing her suffocation on Beomgyu.

"L-Leo.. I can't breathe-" Beomgyu choked out, and Leo finally pulled away but remained laid on top of him, looking down at him with a delightful smile.

"I miss you, you fucking idiot," she pouted.

Beomgyu was trying so hard not to break into a stupid smile. "I miss you, even more, you fucking tarantula."

Leo frowned, "tarantula!?"

"My favorite cute little tarantula," Beomgyu cooed, pinching her cheeks.

She rolled her eyes and swatted his hands away. "I don't like that nickname," she crossed her arms, sitting up so she was straddling his hips as he laid down below her, propping himself up on his elbows.

"Then, what would you like for me to call you?" Beomgyu asked with a tilt of his head and a soft smile.

Leo pursed her lips in thought before smiling mischievously. "Baby."

Beomgyu curled his lips in disgust. "I'm so disappointed in you.."

"No, no," she quickly blurted. "I don't like that nickname, but I wanna see if I'll start liking it if you call me by it."

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