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Since when is my bed this comfortable and warm..?

And since when does it breathe...? And move!?

Nari rubbed her eyes, awaking from the deep slumber she had been in.

She glanced down at her breathing and moving pillow, but it wasn't a pillow.

It was Hyunjin's chest.

Nari and Hyunjin had fallen asleep that night in each other's arms.

They had cried themselves to sleep; the movie they'd planned to watch long forgotten.

Nari thought this might be the best sleep she had ever gotten in her life.

Her eyes trailed up to his face and found him to be still peacefully asleep.

He looked angelic.

His chest gradually moved up and down, and his features were relaxed.

Oh to wake up to this sight every morning...

The last thing she recalled was sobbing into his chest as he propped himself up on the bed's headboard. But, now, he laid down on his side with her snuggled into him, his hair covering the side of his face.

She tried to move out of his grip, but it was too difficult. She looked down, finding his leg to be draped over her hip, and he had both his arms wrapped around her, pulling her tightly against him.

How does she not remember them falling asleep? His scent was engulfing her, and she loved it. He didn't smell of cologne or strong coconut like he usually does throughout the day, but more of a comforting faint scent. The coconut scent was still there, just a lot less concentrated.

She ran a hand through his hair, moving it away from his face. She should wake him up, but she didn't want to.

When will she get the opportunity to freely admire him, and run her fingers through his hair, again?

Her arm bent so she could prop her head onto her hand, and she continued to play with his soft curls.

How can someone look so beautiful sleeping?

Her eyes flitted to his lips, and she had the urge to trace them with her fingertips, but she refrained from it; scared she would wake him up in the process.

However, she traced his jaw lightly, instead. Her fingertips moved up to trace his cheekbones, then the shape of his thick eyebrows. She tried to memorize how it all felt below her touch; save it deep into her memories.

His skin was so soft, just like his gaze when he looked at her, his hair when she ran her fingers through it, his lips when they moved against hers, and his touch which sent electricity throughout her body.

A heavy exhale escaped her, and it made Hyunjin's eyelids flutter.

She watched him with a gentle smile, one she couldn't suppress, as he left the world of dreams.

He frowned, blinking his eyes open, and upon meeting her gaze, he smiled and buried his face into the mattress below him.

She chuckled at how cute he was before pulling away from him, causing his grip on her to loosen and leave. She immediately felt cold and empty without his limbs and scent engulfing her, but they weren't a couple, and friends don't sleep in each other's arms like this...

It was a mistake.

"Good morning, Hyunjin," she spoke, her voice a bit raspy.

He tilted his head so it wasn't snuggled into the mattress anymore, and looked up at her. "Morning," he voiced back, his voice quite raspy as well.

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