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Nari groaned as she rubbed her eyes, trying to get rid of the drowsiness she currently felt.

She took a glance at the clock hanging on the wall in front of her, and it read '10:21 AM'.

Sounds of clattering plates and spoons could be heard from a distance, along with the voices of the boys who lived in this apartment.

Her eyes shot wide open, realization that she wasn't home hitting her. I mean, she technically WAS home, but not really.

She stretched before hopping out of bed and waddling to the door.

As she left her bedroom, her eyes landed on the boy out on the balconey, smoking.

A frown made it's way to her face as she approached him.

"Who the hell smokes at 10 AM?"

The said boy was startled as he quickly spun around, the shocked expression on his features quickly fading away at the sight of the girl before him, an amused smile replacing it instead.

His eyes scanned her up and down, making Nari suddenly feel super conscious about the fact that she had just gotten out of bed. She didn't even wash her face or brush her teeth yet, and her hair was all over the place.

Though, Hyunjin was actually enjoying the sight of her hair all tousled, and her face puffy from sleep.

"Is there specific timings for smoking I didn't know about?" He raised a teasing brow at her.

His words were a blur as she was too busy gawking him. He wore a black hoodie with the sleeves pushed up, revealing the watch decorating his wrist, and gray sweatpants. Half his hair was tied up with a few strands framing his face, and she couldn't stop herself from looking at his lips.

Those damn lips...

She would sell her left kidney just to know the secret to his luscious lips.

If he caught her staring, he didn't act like it.

"You missed out, yesterday. I really wish you came along. What were you busy with that you couldn't come?" She asked once she broke out of her haze.

"I didn't even know about it.. it's fine, though. I wanted to finish a painting of mine, anyway. Remember the painting you walked in on me doing?" He asked, and Nari nodded. "Yeah, I couldn't get myself to finish it. But I got the sudden urge to finish it yesterday, so it automatically became my top priority."

Nari's eyes twinkled in admiration, and she spoke with excitement, "oh my god, please show me it!"

Hyunjin chuckled, "I will, I just need to add some final touches first," he smiled.

"Hm, okay," she returned the smile.

Before Hyunjin could process what happened, Nari snatched the cigarette from between his fingers, and tossed it out the balconey.

His fingers remained in the same position as he watched the used cigarette fall down, seemingly too in shock to react.

Nari crossed her arms, "you should really quit smoking, Hyunjin."

His eyes slowly trailed to her figure, side eyeing her. "Yeah. You throwing my cigarette off the balconey will make me stop smoking forever," he quipped sarcastically.

"Well it does temporarily, which is enough for me," she shrugged.

He closed his eyes as he took a deep breath in, trying to calm himself down.

"Hyunjin! Breakfast is re- Nari! Good morning," Felix's words were cut short at the sight of Nari.

"Felix!" She perked up, giving him a quick side hug which he returned.

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