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Nari's eyes widened at the sight of Hyunjin crying.

"Hyunjin? What happened? Are you okay?" She panicked.

"Why did he have to leave? And not just leave alone, he took all of my friends with him..." Hyunjin said in between sobs.

Nari's features softened and she placed an arm around him, rubbing his arm comfortingly. She felt herself get deja vu; his words reminded her of her mothers.

"They all changed so much since he left, and I can't even feel genuine happiness anymore. Not without drugs. I feel like I'm falling into this void with no way out. I don't enjoy doing anything anymore... I can't even express my feelings properly without regretting it later. I hate this, I hate everything and everyone." He complained and sobbed even harder, raising his hands to cover his face.

Nari pulled him in closer, making his head rest on her shoulder.

"Shh... it's okay. Let it all out." She comforted him in a soft voice, rubbing his arm as he sobbed into her.

"When will this end? I can't even see my family often because they moved away. They never even reach out unless I do first. I feel so unwanted. We were all supposed to study college together and actually enjoy it. All I'm feeling now is misery. Almost everyone has a job and is busy all the time, we don't even see each other. Like, what's the point of this? This isn't what we dreamed of during high school..." he sniffled.

Nari felt her shirt get wet with all his tears. She felt some of her own slip out.

She wanted to take his pain away from him. She didn't know why, but she hated seeing him like this.

They sat like that for 30 minutes before Hyunjin's sobs subsided. Nari's arm was beginning to ache, and she panicked once she realized he had fallen asleep.

How the fuck am I supposed to carry him to his room? Can I even wake him up? He just broke down and is still drunk.

Nari was about to pull her hair out when Bangchan came in.

She guessed he had wanted to use the bathroom, but instead found them sprawled on the floor.

"What happened?" He asked, eyes widening in confusion about their state.

"A breakdown happened." She deadpanned. "Can you please help me get him off me?"

Bangchan gaped at them, probably processing what he was looking at, before snapping out of it and walking up to them, helping her carry Hyunjin to his bedroom.

Bangchan placed him on the bed, and he seemed knocked out.

"Damn, did he drink THAT much!?" Bangchan whisper-shouted to Nari.

Nari shrugged. He probably did.

"He really needs to watch how much he drinks. He can't be passing out like this and, according to you, breaking down. It's very bad for him." Bangchan sighed as he crossed his arms.

"Obviously." Nari scoffed. "Anywho, thanks for helping me. You can go shit now, or whatever you wanted to do in the bathroom."

Bangchan chuckled before good nighting her and leaving the room.

Nari looked at Hyunjin once Bangchan left and observed how red his nose and eyes were from crying so much. His eyes were almost swollen, and you could see tear stains on his cheeks. His hair was even messier now.

She sighed and pulled the blanket on top of him. She pushed his hair out of his face, and admired him a little more, a sad smile surfacing her lips before she left his room.

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