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2 weeks earlier...

Felix walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge to grab a drink.

Minho, who had been assigned to do the dishes for that day, stood by the sink with running water.

"Nari replied to me. She said she needs time and that she's fine," Felix spoke, taking a seat on the counter near Minho as he sipped on the drink he had grabbed earlier.

At the mention of Nari's name, Minho craned his neck to look at Felix. "Oh. She hasn't replied to me yet.." he muttered, turning his attention back to the dirty plate in between his hands.

"Give her time, Minho.." Felix sighed.

"God, I can't believe I lashed out like that in front of her... I didn't mean for her to find out about my feelings for her in that way," Minho groaned.

"It's fine, Minho. It's in the past now. Just think about how you're supposed to fix our current situation," Felix crossed his arms. "Did you talk to Hyunjin?"

Minho shook his head.

"Why not?"

"He's always cooped up in his bedroom, I never got the chance to talk to him. Besides, he's in the wrong as well!" Minho defended himself.

"I know... I can promise you he deeply regrets what happened, and he even spoke to me about how is afraid of losing you," Felix revealed.

"Well... if he's afraid of losing me, he shouldn't have fucking made out with Nari!" Minho seethed.

"He was drunk, Minho.." Felix said, earning a scoff from Minho. "Trust me, he has been having as much of a hard time as you the past few days."

"I just never expected him to stoop so low..." Minho muttered, more to himself. "He likes her, doesn't he?" Minho suddenly spun around to face Felix.

Felix opened his mouth, then closed it.

Minho raised a brow, urging him to spit it.

"You have to speak to Hyunjin about this.."

Minho rolled his eyes, "I fucking knew it."

"Hey! I didn't say anything, I just said that you should ask HIM about that stuff, not me. I don't know," Felix uttered quickly.

Minho CAN'T know about Hyunjin's feelings for Nari. It would make things a lot more complicated than they already are...


Hyunjin had walked Nari home after their unexpected meet-up earlier, and she had thought of what he said to her.

The next day, she decided to text Minho back.


Minhoe: hey, Nari. Im rlly
Sorry about yesterday...
I shouldnt have lashed out
like that, and im sorry you
had to find out about
my feelings for you in
that way...I was tipsy,
and not thinking
straight..Its okay if you
dont reciprocate my
feelings. I dont want to get
inbetween u and Hyunjin..
Sent on 13/06/21

You: hey minho..

You: sorry for not
Replying earlier. I just
Needed some time.

You: and i should be
Apologizing for not
Realizing ur feelings

You: youre a great friend,
Minho. And im very thankful
for our friendship. I hope
What happened doesnt
Affect it..

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