The One With The Silence

Start from the beginning

"What happened?" Elena gently asked as she pushed a portion of Emily's brunette hair behind her right ear before she softly stroked her twin sister's cheek in a comforting motion.

Elena knew it couldn't be something good for her twin sister to react this way. The Gilbert girl hadn't personally seen Emily's magic take over her emotions but she heard about it from Bonnie and Elena knew it wasn't a positive sign.

The Radkova witch forcefully took a deep breath to keep herself calm or Emily knew she would begin to panic again. "You know how I can check up on Stefan, right?" Emily asked her twin as she began to explain what was going on.

Elena quickly nodded her head before she stated, "yeah, I remember."

"Well, I was worried about him, so I decided to check up on Stef," the Radkova witch recalled. A frown quickly appeared on Emily's face as she mumbled, "but it didn't work. I couldn't feel anything on his side."

Elena furrowed her brows in confusion before she asked her twin, "what does that mean? Has that ever happened?"

"I don't know," Emily muttered as she heavily shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know," the Gilbert girl repeated before she added, "but I do know that it's not good." Emily looked over at her twin sister with tears building up in her green eyes before she whispered, "I... I think he's in trouble, Lena."

"Hey, hey, hey," Elena quickly uttered before the Radkova witch could start panicking again. "Let's not think like that," the human girl ordered as she grasped Emily's hand and gave it a light squeeze. "Besides," Elena exclaimed before she stated, "I came barring good news."

Emily raised up her right eyebrow at her twin sister before she curiously inquired, "what kind of good news?"

Elena widely grinned before she excitedly informed the Radkova witch, "Caroline called and she said her mom found a good lead out in Tennessee!" The Gilbert girl lightly waved her hand as she uttered, "Caroline said it was a couple of animal attacks that didn't exactly look like an animal attack if you know what I mean."

"Like... a vampire?" Emily cautiously asked with hopefulness trailing all throughout her voice.

"Exactly!" Elena exclaimed as she clapped her hands together.

The Radkova witch's green eyes immediately widened in surprise. This was the first lead that she getting to know about and Emily couldn't be anymore excited and happy about it.

"Well, what did Caroline say? Is she sure it's Stefan and Klaus?" The Radkova witch couldn't help but impatiently ask. Emily didn't care about anything but getting her boyfriend back, so she wanted to know everything that the Forbes women found.

"I was about to go meet Caroline and her mom at their house," Elena explained before she gave her twin sister's hand a light squeeze. "How about you relax and take a nap while I go check out the lead," the Gilbert girl suggested before Elena commented, "you look like you've been through hell."

Emily shook her head as she tiredly stood up from the floor in the living room. "I should go, too," the Radkova witch mumbled. Emily didn't like the idea of sitting back when they finally had a lead. Emily wanted to be involved in every step in bringing Stefan back home.

Elena grasped her twin sister's hand and led Emily over to the couch to sit down. "We don't even know if it's them," the human girl reminded her twin. Elena bent down until she was eye level with Emily before she grasped the witch's hands.

"How about this..." Elena began as she gently rubbed her thumbs across Emily's hands in a comforting motion. "I'll go talk to Caroline and her mom," the Gilbert girl stated before Elena promised, "if I think the lead is Stefan, I'll come right back and tell you everything I found."

Elena could see the disagreement on her twin sister's face before Emily could even say anything. "There's no reason for you to get your hopes up if it's actually just an animal attack," the Gilbert girl told Emily. The human girl would hate for Emily to have all this hope only for it to all come crashing down on her.

"I guess," Emily huffed. The Radkova witch hated not knowing. Emily had been in the dark for months thanks to Damon not telling her anything about Stefan, so she hated the idea of staying behind while Elena went to check out the lead.

"Good," the Gilbert girl murmured as she shot Emily a soft smile. "If the leads is promising, then we can go to Damon and look further into it," Elena told her twin sister.

"Alright," Emily muttered in agreement as she slowly nodded her head. The Radkova witch looked up at her twin sister from her position on the couch before Emily desperately begged, "but come back as soon as you can."

"I will," Elena quickly promised as she squeezed her twin sister's hand. The Gilbert girl would have to blind to not see how worried Emily was. Elena hated seeing her sister anything but happy, so Elena would try to make this trip quickly to the Forbes house for Emily's sake.

"You should try to relax and take a nap," Elena instructed as she stood up straight from her bent position in front of her twin. The Gilbert girl shot Emily a soft smile before she swore, "I'll be back soon."

The Radkova witch heaved out a heavy sigh after she watched Elena walk out of the Gilbert house. Emily leaned her head back against the couch before she stared up at the tan ceiling with a small frown on her face.

Emily was still just as frustrated as she was when she arrived at the Gilbert house. The Radkova witch was, of course, relieved to finally find a lead on Stefan's whereabouts -- especially after not being able to feel how Stefan was doing.

However, Emily was frustrated that she had to sit here and do nothing until her twin came back. Emily would rather be out there getting answers about bringing her boyfriend home. The Gilbert girl felt restless that she had to wait for answers instead of going out there and getting them.

Emily knew she just needed to suck it up for now. The Radkova witch trusted Elena to tell her everything that she finds from the Forbes women. Emily could only hope that this lead was actually a vampire attack and not just some random animal.

The Radkova witch absolutely hated the fact that she could no longer feel Stefan, so Emily really hoped and prayed that this lead was going to push them in the right direction. 

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