F I F T Y - N I N E

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They knew the saviors were out for blood especially considering the massacre that had taken place that day and the night before that.

The full moon shown above them and they quickly put their plan into motion. Eugene would drive the RV down the road to make sure it was clear of any saviors. While the others would carry Maggie on a board through the woods the safest way until they met Eugene at the road.

Sam and Michonne cover the front while Matthew and Daryl cover the back.

They moved quietly and swiftly through the dark forest.

Soon Eugene had stopped replying to them and they knew that either they were in the clear or they weren't. But they had nowhere else to go except the street.

As they cleared through the trees their hearts sunk as they saw the lights of multiple cars and the RV and Eugene on his knees his hands behind his back and a cloth in his mouth to stop him from talking.

Simon came from the dark, "Hey, you made it."

He pulled his gun out, "We'll take your weapons." He pointed his gun at them as he stood behind Eugene. They didn't know it yet but he was a lot like the soon-to-appear Negan.

Rick's breath got heavier tears welling in his eyes as he realized he led everyone to a trap. "We can talk about this." He forced out.

"No, you've talked enough. Time for you to listen." Glenn and Abraham still held the board Maggie laid on.

A man approached Sam and undid the latch for her swords grabbing them before she could attack. Everyone was soon disarmed.

Simon went up to Carl grabbing the gun that rested on the young boy's hip.

"This yours?" He asked and before Samantha could stop a threat flew from her lips. "Leave him alone or I'll slit your throat where you stand." A loud laugh more similar to a guffaw left his mouth.

He turned to face her, slowly treading towards her. "Is that so?" He asked with a smirk. "Yes," her chest puffed, her shoulders straight, her anger showing through every little moment. "Sam," Matthew whispered beside her.

"You should listen to him." He stepped away from her. "Let's get her down and get ya on your knees."

Soon Maggie and everyone else were on their knees in a semi-circle around the RV. The RV door opened and Negan stepped out, a bat resting on his shoulder. He was quiet for a long moment before he spoke. "Are we pissing our pants yet?" The humor in his voice was more terrifying than it could've been if he spoke in a deadpan voice.

Matthew scooted closer to Sam not wanting any harm to come to or near her.

The crickets chirped loudly against the sound of boots on gravel. "Boy do I feel we're getting close." He spoke coming from the darkness and showing himself to the others.

Saviors surround them so if anyone tried to run their short journey would be for nothing. Only a few sat tall, Abraham, Sam, and Matthew. Showing their pride.

He walked past each one of them, "This about to pee-pee pants city real soon." He spoke with a wicked smile. "Which one of you prick is the leader?" He asked coming to a stop right in front of them.

Sam went to speak when Matthew made a noise trying to stop her from being her usual self. "Go on, say it." Negan said to her. Before she could Rick blurted "I'm the leader." Negan looked at him and nodded. "Oh well, I wanna know what she had to say."

He looked back at Sam. "Go on sweetie." He said in a condescending tone. "I ain't your sweetie. If you hurt anyone of us I'll kill you and feed you to your precious saviors, once I kill them and let them turn."

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