T H I R T Y - T W O

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Photo by inejsknives on Pinterest (That's where I found it so that might not be the creator if you know who is  please comment)

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Photo by inejsknives on Pinterest (That's where I found it so that might not be the creator if you know who is  please comment)


Everyone was getting ready to leave and Samantha was confused. "I thought we did that so we could stay?" She asked Daryl who sat on his motorcycle. "I guess not," he shrugged. "You're very helpful," she smiled sarcastically. "I try," he smiled. "I hate you," she groaned. He looked at her ready to challenge that statement. "I'm not gonna say it," she snapped but couldn't look away from his eyes.

"I'm a bad influence," but she hadn't admitted it yet. She rolled her eyes groaning loudly as she spoke, "I don't hate you." He looked away in triumph. "I do actually," she said quickly. "Okay," he uttered simply. "You...but I... no I'm done." She said walking away.

"Rick we're staying," Glenn said. "I'm confused as fuck," Samantha was confused if they were staying or not. She had learned to just follow and ask questions later. "We don't know where the governor is. If he comes back we'll hold him off," Samantha looked back and forth between them as she tried to comprehend what was happening. She saw Daryl next to her and saw him swing a gun over his shoulder the strap resting across his chest. "I'm not gonna ask where the crossbow went."

"Just the four of us?" Daryl questioned and Samantha moved her head and arms gesturing for someone to fill her in. "Alright," Michonne put her sword in the passenger seat. "So I have to share the backseat with his shit head?" She put her hands in the air. "No, on my bike," Daryl said pointing his head to the bike that sat a couple of feet away. "That's worse," she slumped as she exaggerated her discomfort.

She didn't question where they were going putting her faith in Daryl and Rick. This prison was bittersweet, she loved the safety that it provided. Yet hated the memories that haunted its halls. The screaming. The noise of her swords being dragged across the wall.

The sticky feeling of blood on her body, her close clinging to her skin due to the sweat. But she liked knowing she could sleep peacefully, without being woken up to a herd forcing them to leave. She knew she had a hero complex, she hated it. She had no control over it.

"I appreciate you staying," Rick patted Glenn's shoulders. The wind had gone between cold and warm. She had no idea the apocalypse would change the whether. Days seemed longer than they did before, more could be done. She loved the constant use of her time, saving her from the memories that claimed every breath she took.

Rick walked between Glenn and Maggie heading to the car. Glenn had grown so much since they first met, the pizza boy was now a killer. Everyone missed that smile he had, it was always so promising and optimistic. So was Carl, he used to be so innocent a boy wanting his father but now he killed an innocent kid who was as scared as he was. His innocence slowly faded away, him turning more into a killer as the minutes passed.

Carl didn't feel remorse for the life he took, he didn't realize he had a father who mourned him. He wasn't a walker with his brain deteriorating, the boy could form thoughts, he could feel fear. And Carl didn't understand that.

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