F I F T Y - E I G H T

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They all stopped in the RV on the side of the road. Samantha was confused, often the last to know things, or never found it out. Regardless she was there for a ride. She got out of the RV realizing that she may or may not need to know the plan.

It had been a week since they had decided they should fight first. She and Matthew had gotten impossibly closer. Samantha had realized that she didn't know how long either of them would be alive so she enjoyed every moment they spent together.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt, would like to know what the plan is, I'd like to keep my life for a little longer." She gave a sarcastic smile that caused Rick to be slightly annoyed.

"Apparently, there is a big supply of guns. We need to show them that we aren't to be trifled with." Sam saw the look in his eyes. This wasn't Rick.

"Why not just say, 'I got a plan, we go in and attack.' Fuck Rick did you even think this through?" She questioned. The sun was at its peak shining directly over everyone.

"We wait till dark," he ignored Samantha and went to talk with Glenn and Aaron. She was left with Daryl. "Thank you," she blurted. "For the horse, I saw her. She's beautiful." She breathed. "She looks just like Midnight," she looked at her hands picking at her nails.

"That was the point." He replied watching how she fidgeted under his gaze. "I apologize for that night, I was," she sighed heavily. "I just wanted to feel like everything was okay and I didn't think that maybe I was crossing a line." She looked at the R.V.

"It ain't your fault. Imma go...yeah." He left and she watched his wander off.

Matthew walked up to her and hugged her from behind. "You okay?" He asked kissing her ear. "Yeah," the road had been abandoned and most walkers had gotten stuck or collapsed in the woods.

Her brain had been unusually quiet and she didn't know why. She finally felt normal, or what she thought was normal. Her dark passenger finally took a rest.

As she stood their she noticed the surrounding area. It was bleak, the grass covered in blood, dead half eaten animals hiding underneath the tall grass. The faint sound of an animal being torn to shreds could be heard.

It was eerie how over the years the world had gone from bright and beautiful to dull and horrifying.

"Matty, I don't ... I don't feel so good." Her legs grew weak, her vision, blurry and her hands numb.

She did her best to stand. He held her up, and yelled for Rick who soon appeared.

Her eyes felt heavy and she couldn't keep them open.

When her eyes opened she was in the back of a car and could hear Matthew tapping the wheel. "Matthew?" She asked only slightly conscious. "That's me, are you alright?" He came to a stop to look at her.

She pulled herself off the seat and fell to the floor. She got into the front seat showing she was okay. "You didn't have to-" "I'm not letting you put your life in danger when you can't even stand." He argued. "Thank you," she smiled.

"Let's get you home and get you fed. Maggie and Daryl will keep us updated." Sam nodded and put her hand out for his. He grabbed it and laced their fingers.

Once they arrived home Matthew realized how stressed he had been about them being there. When he sat down on the stool he felt a weight being lifted.

"I don't want you going on runs." He spoke. "What?" She didn't want to believe that what he was asking. "I can't, no I won't lose you. Not to a walker, not for some fucked up power plan, not for anything." He looked at her all she did was nod.

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