F I F T Y - S I X

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"What's up?" Samantha asked walking with Maggie down the streets of Alexandria. "Nothing important, I just, kinda wish Beth was here. So I could tell her." Maggie whispered looking off in front of them.

"I don't, if Beth we're here I don't think you'd be as happy as you are now. Just like if Amelia we're here I wouldn't be in love, or have this weird sense of calmness like not everyone's life is in my hands. Beth and Amelia were too good for this world, it's best if they didn't live to this point." Samantha looked at Maggie hoping what she said made sense.

"I know, I just wish me and her could pick baby names." Maggie shrugged like it didn't truly matter as much as it did. "I'm here." Samantha smiled. They continued in faint silence. "Hershel if a boy, Beth if a girl." Maggie said, she and Glenn had agreed that both names were good choices. "Amazing choices," Samantha smiled. "What would you name your child, if you had one." Maggie had originally thought the likelihood was low. "Amelia Lori Rose, and for a boy, I'm not really sure."

"THE DUQUETTES ARE HERE!" Spencer yelled to some of the others. Samantha and Maggie both shared a look before heading to Spencer to help. "Need help?"  Maggie asked and Spencer nodded. "Yeah, I need help loading up their weapons, Samantha why don't you go start unloading the stuff from them." Sam nodded before heading to the gate.

On the other side of it were two different motorcycles with carts attached to the back of each. She opened the gate for them and they both drove through.

Once the gate was closed she walked up to the two. In unison their helmets came off and they both stepped off the clean shining bikes.

One a women with dark tan skin, deep brown eyes and short black hair that stopped at her shoulders. The man look similar to her they had to be sibling maybe even twins. He had short jet black hair with skin slightly darker than hers. His eyes the same shade as the women and they both walked with similar statures.

"Hey, I'll help you unload the stuff." Samantha said with a friendly smile. "Great, we got three silencers, five pistols all filled with ammo. 3 boxes of ammo for those." The women continued to list off the supplies they had scavenged.

Samantha eyes widen when she heard of all the stuff they had found. "Also the blood of the only person immune to the virus. His name is Murphy." Samantha's mouth opened in utter shock. She wasn't the only one immune?

"Where's Matthew?" The man asked and soon Samantha heard a yell come from a familiar voice.

"RAY YOU BASTARD!" Matthew yelled and they both hugged each other. "Matthew you prick!" Ray yelled hugging him back with just as much force.

"God I hate you," the women yelled under her breath. "I hate to interrupt this beautiful reunion but we aren't staying long." She said and they both separated.

"Please Val," her brother begged pushing his bottom lip out in a pout. "Fuck you Ray, be up and ready at dawn or I'll drag your ass and lock you in the cage." She snapped.

"You wouldn't," he said offended. "You know damn well I will. Go on, I don't want to have to look at your anymore." Her brother rolled his eyes and him and Matthew headed off.

Matthew went back to Samantha, he kissed her lips. "Can he stay with us?" He asked. "Uh," she wasn't really sure why he asked and why he asked the way he had. "Sure," she smiled. "I love you." He then headed off running like a 5 year old girl in love.

He ran after Ray and they both started freaking out over whatever it was they were going to fan girl over.

"I swear that was the worst decision ever," Val laughed. "I'm not used to that type of question." Samantha rubbed her neck awkwardly.

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