T W E N T Y - N I N E

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Once they arrived and were safe behind the only intact fence, Samantha got from behind Daryl. "Thanks for the ride, the only kind I ever want to get from you," She gave him a fake smile. "Are there more walkers?" She asked Maggie. "Yeah, they broke down the fence when they shot us up." Samantha sighed, "It just gets worse." Maggie shrugged.

"Let's get inside," Rick said and Samantha was ready to mock how he said it. "Oh yeah sure superman, du du duuuuu." She mocked as she followed after him. "Why you gotta act like that," Daryl asked. "Cause I can, I don't hear anyone stopping me." He sat and she stood next to him. "Stop," he said simply talking his crossbow off his back. "I don't listen to you," she scoffed.

"I'm sure you would, in the right situation." He looked up at her raising his eyebrows. "I'm a bad influence on you," she said looking away hiding the blush that was covering her cheeks. "Maybe," he whispered so only she could hear.

"You step any closer and I'll chop your dick off," she snapped to Merle. "I'm startin' to think ya threats are lies." Merle looked at her in a way that angered her.

"Merle quit bein' an ass." Daryl snapped. "Protecting your girlfriend, she ain't need protecting from me." Samantha looked Merle up and down, "I ain't his girl, and I sure as hell ain't yours. I don't go for rednecks or white trash." Her tone was deadly. "No need to get your panties in a bunch, all though I'm sure my little brothers doing that for me." Samantha looked at Daryl before looking back at Merle.

"Explain," she snapped. "I saw your sexy time," his head tilted happy with the reaction he was getting. Her hand gripped her sword as she tried not to lash out, "Sam, calm down." Daryl spoke in a soothing and calming tone. "Don't use that tone with me, Daryl, it just pisses me off more." Daryl stood up. "Well go chill the fuck out in your cell." His voice was dominating and held authority.

Something Merle had never heard.

"Fine," she hesitated before leaving. She mumbled threats all the way to her cell. "Stop terrorizing her," Daryl snapped to his brother. "I wasn't, I was just... talking." Merle was mocking her, his tone showing that. "No, you wanted her to get pissed." Daryl took a step closer to his brother. "Don't try this high and mighty thing with me brother, I know you deep down." "What's that?" He asked wondering what bullshit his brother had to say.

"That if it came down to it, you'd let her burn." Daryl looked away knowing that wasn't true. He saved her, he made her get on the bike, he made her leave the walker-filled farm behind. She would've died there, eaten by walkers or, burned with the house. Carol and Beth had watched the interaction, heard every word Merle, Samantha, and Daryl was spoke.

"Fuck you, Merle." Daryl snapped heading into the cellblock. "You're wrong," Carol spoke semi afraid of Merle. "What?" He asked turning around. She stepped forward from where she was standing. "You're wrong, the night the farm burned down she was ready to die there. But Daryl somehow convinced her to get on his bike. You don't know your brother as well as you may think." Carol wasn't trying to be condescending but when Merles' face morphed she knew that's how he took it.

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