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DARYL RUSHED OUT OF THE RV WHEN HE HEARD THEM ARRIVE. No one had noticed Dale walk off into the field.

Daryl ran to the car but stopped when he saw her. He was holding her bridal style and her arms were swinging slightly as Rick walked and her head hung back. By the looks of it, she was dead, but she couldn't be, or this story would be over. Daryl finally got control of his body and rushed up to him. "I can bet she's alive," He said trying to gain his composure.

Rick nodded, suddenly everyone heard a scream of pain and turned their heads towards the field. "Dale?" Andrea asked, Rick, handed Samantha to Daryl as they all rushed after him, everyone but Daryl.

"Why do I have to be stuck on babysitting duty?" Daryl sighed looking down at Samantha. He heard one shot and guessed it was the walker. He stood there waiting for the other, he waited and waited.

Five minutes passed and still nothing until a shot rang through the air. Samantha's eyes opened, "Fucking dramatic bitch," Daryl sighed, "You probably shouldn't go to sleep," He mumbled going into the RV. He sat her on the bed but she immediately fell back, "Wake up!" He shouted and she looked at him angrily. "I will kill you if you yell again," She snapped. "Sure you will," He scoffed, "You can barely stay conscious much less kill me," Daryl scoffed and she swung her legs over the bed.

"I'm fine," She tried standing up but fell right into him. His arms immediately went around her waist catching her. His hands went to her shoulder, "Sit," She ignored him using all of her strength to stand. "Sit" He commanded and she let his hands push her onto the bed.

He sat on the mini couch, "How'd it happen?" He was referring to the crash. "I can't uh, I can't remember," She looked at her hands and her middle finger started scratching at her thumb.

"Where is everyone?" She didn't want to look up afraid of looking at Daryl. "It's Dale, he was attacked," He was quiet before he chuckled "Auge um Auge, it's 'eye for an eye' in German. Something my dad would say," It was the first time he had mentioned his father, and Samantha noticed it.

"Where is everyone?" She asked looking at him, he sighed

It was getting dark and the sound of cicadas was louder than usual. He was quiet the rest of the time while they waited. It was weird silence, but it was comfortable.

"Hotstuff!" Samantha said happily when she saw Andrea, "You look dead," Andrea chuckled and sat next to her on the bed. Daryl left without saying anything. "You miss me?" Samantha smiled scooting closer to Andrea, "Maybe," she shrugged. Hershel walked up to Samantha with his supplies.

"Hey Samantha, you feeling okay?" He asked, Andrea, got up and stood to the side. Samantha stared at Hershel for a moment looking at him absent-minded. "I feel fine, amazing in fact like a could fly away." She smiled sarcastically. Beth stood next to him ready to take mental notes, "Delayed response," He whispered so only she could hear him. He put some gloves on, "Any headaches, or feeling of pressure?" He asked she didn't respond right away and he waited patiently. "Yeah a headache I guess," He nodded and Beth took a mental note of it.

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