F O R T Y - S I X

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Samantha sat in the chair and saw Lori and Amelia next to her and Jay by the woman. "Your name?" She asked, "Sam, tell her your name." Lori said and Samantha nodded "Samantha Collin." Samantha said. "You alright dear?" Deanna asked, "Not really, but ask your questions. I want to get back to Rick," Samantha had changed a lot since the prison. And Rick was one of the main person she missed. And she was too afraid to tell him, but she needed him. She needed the father figure he presented.

"Okay, what are your skills?" Samantha took a minute looking around the room. She looked at the camera before sighing, "Gymnastics and sword fighting, I'm also good at combat. I'm can do the jobs no one else wants to do. I don't mean sewage I mean killing." Her voice seemed so distant and Deanna couldn't believe that she was the one they were most afraid of.

Deanna only wanted one thing, it interview every single one of them. Samantha was last and the opinions on Samantha we're amazing, they all (almost all) loved her, but they all feared her in one way or another. Except Carl, he was the only one to love her purely with no fear.

Yes Rick loved her but he feared one day she would take her life, the same fear Daryl held.

"What's that on your arm?" Deanna asked noticing the marking but unable to tell what they said. Samantha didn't hear her due to Jay and Lori talking. "Sorry, say it again please." Deanna nodded, "Whats on your arm?" Samantha put both her arms out so she could read the names. But there was one name repeated, "Who's Chloe?" Deanna asked. "You can do this Sam," Lori said giving her a warm smile.

"I died," Samantha said pausing as she looked down, "I hadn't eaten in close to two weeks I think. I was so exhausted I could barely move. I passed out I think." She thought about the day, "No sorry, I died. But this little girl found me," Samantha couldn't remember too much from that day. "She brought me back I guess, she was hiding out in this stable. It had horses, two. Her mother had put her in there and never came back. She died, the mom I mean." Samantha's body shuddered as tears started to fall.

"The little girl dragged me there," Samantha let out a sob. "She saved me, she brought me back and saved me." Samantha wiped her face. "I woke up and immediately she gave me food, she was so sweet. She gave me water, I, and the first thing she asked me was 'Can you muck out the stall,'" Samantha laughed sadly. "I was a coward, and she died." Samantha remembered it so clearly.

She was sitting in one of the empty stalls when Chloe rushed in running from a walker. Samantha felt frozen as she heard the little girl scream as the walker bit through her neck. But when she finally came out it was too late the girl had been bitten. Samantha killed the walker.

"I'm so sorry Chloe, I was, and I." Samantha cried and she sat next to the little girl, she moved the hair from the little girls face. "I want my mommy," she cried. Samantha sobbed, "I know, I know. But I'm here, I'm not leaving." Chloe nodded. The horses neighed as more walkers came close to the barn.

"Mommy?" Chloe asked. Samantha could hear the herd get closer and closer. "Yes, baby?" Samantha asked, the girl was dying. Blood spilling from her neck. "I love you, mommy," Samantha looked up as tears streamed down her face. "I love you too, baby," Samantha looked back at Chloe and Chloe's hand went to Samantha's cheek "Can we go home, mommy?" Chloe asked. Samantha grabbed her pocket knife as the herd got closer.

"Yeah, we're gonna go home right now, okay? Close your eyes for me, imagine home." Chloe nodded closing her eyes and Samantha brought her knife to the side of the girl's head. "You ready?" Chloe nodded, "Sleep well, Chloe." Samantha said before shoving the knife into her head. Some of the walkers broke through into the barn and Samantha kissed the girl's forehead grabbing her knife and leaving.

"I killed her," Samantha finally looked up at Deanna.

"Since I died, but Chloe helped it. I, um, have felt empty ever since. Not like I can't find my purpose, I mean like this endless darkness and eternal emptiness. I haven't felt anything yet, I don't think I'm alive. I'm breathing but, um, I can't feel. I think I'm dead." Samantha said truthfully. Deanna felt her heartache for her, "If you could work with any of the group who would it be?" Deanna asked.

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