Chapter 76

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I watched Chanel sleep for hours under me. I could tell she be tired and don't get enough rest just by the way she slept. She held on to me in her sleep so tight as if I was gonna go some where. Last night we didn't finish having sex. She layed in my arms until she was done crying letting me know how much she hate me and love me at the same time until her eyes closed. I promised I'd never leave her again but she don't think I'm serious. I know I broke her heart and this isn't just any ole type of heart broken like listen to love songs it's deeper than that. Like I broke a soul tie connection. I wish I could fix it get all that hurt and anger out of her cause that's not her but I do understand.

Her phone started ringing and it said "Andre ❤️" that was her man calling her. I don't know if I should finish letting her sleep or wake her up to answer the phone.

I know he be putting his hands on her just the thought of it pissed me off. Her poisoning him cool and all but I rather have that nigga dead now. But how do you kill a neurosurgeon without it looking like a hit?

She started to wake up slowly and I kissed her forehead. "GoodMorning!" I whispered to her.

What time is it?


Oh my god Action I stayed out all night! She jumped up like she was losing her mind grabbing the sheet off the bed to cover her naked body.

Relax just say you was at one of your girls house or something you got to drunk.

No you don't understand I can't!

Your scared of him aren't you! Why is he hitting you?

She look like she had fear in her eyes. "I can't talk about it!" She admitted slowly and shyly.

Yes you can, it's me! Chanel you know you can tell me anything!

Not this Action I can't! She wiped her tears and I pulled her to me.

Yes you can, Chanel what's going on? Why are you so scared when you know I'll take care of it!

He has people....higher ups! If you kill him than they find out than they are going to kill you!

Nobody's going to kill me baby girl!

Yeah okay Mar'Quez you say that now but than what when it happens. You was pronounced medically dead when you got shot your not suppose to even be here right now!

And that's how you know I'm a strong as man! If I bullet shattered half my brain I was never suppose to walk, talk, live my life ever again but look at me. I don't need no type of help with anything I made a full blown recovery that no one in this world can come back from but I did! I ain't scared to die...and behind you I'm taking that risk!

I thought all this time I could live without you but I really couldn't. I cried myself to sleep almost every single day. I went so hard because I wanted you off my mind! I hated you for what you did. I rather have you in my world when your not really in it than to be dead!

So I'm suppose to just sit here and let him beat on you!?

No! (She wiped her tears) I'm taking care of it slowly.

I don't like that!

You have no choice!

Yes I do! I can easily put that nigga 6 feet under!

You can't!

Why are you protecting him Chanel what's wrong?

When I was 12 my dad dad was MARTAVION JACKSON! You might of heard of him. The most famous drug lord there ever was!

Wait Martavion is your father?! The Martavion? That means your mother was Magic Jackson! I asked shock and she nodded her head.

My real name isn't's Miracle.! My older brother went to jail and my sister ran off with her boyfriend from the stress of having to take care of me and my little brother. My other older brother worked to much and nobody was left to take care of me and my little brother Major..... eventually my school found out after both my parents died nobody was taking care of me and my brother so they put us in the system. I went to a foster home than so did he. I never seen him again. I never seen my siblings again. I was adopted by this couple that was nice on the outside but demons on the inside. They legally Changed my first name to Chanel. Andre Davies was my adoptive father....he was touching me at a young age to think that it was okay and I always knew it wasn't....he would molest me and always try and make me feel beautiful or say I'm going to be his wife.... It went on for years his wife never found out so i thought. When I turned 18 I aged out of the system and I left... on my 20th birthday Mrs. Davies his wife well ex wife invited me over to celebrate I didn't wanna go but she pressured me and pressured me and pressured me until I gave in. It was the worst mistake of my life! When I got there everything was fine. She told me how I was always the daughter she wanted. I felt uncomfortable like I shouldn't of been there. She started telling me how her and Andre got a divorce and how he was a successful surgeon now and left her. That's when she went in for the kill..... she had 4 men come in and rape me and beat me to death. She injected drugs in me over a course of 3 days! She said I was the reason he left her cause he was in love with me and she just couldn't have that! That's why you found me in that Alley!

I was at a complete lost for words. "He's been grooming you since you was 12! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" She trembled in fear telling her story. Her eyes at nothing but tears in them. I stood up and hugged her.

That's why I say you saved my life! I thought for once somebody actually loved me and could save me from the hell I been through. I thought somebody cared about me. I thought I finally found that unconditional love I waited so long for.....

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