Chapter 63

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Mmmm baby! Nikole giggled against my lips. I smiled kissing her back. For some reason being with her felt right. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. I was leaving Chanel in the mist of things and not being honest with Nikole either. I had a whole fiancée and a daughter at home. I was missing my baby girl. I was avoiding Chanel because i know what would come when we finally do have the where you been talk.

GoodMorning daddy! My son smiled eating his cereal.

GoodMorning son! I kissed his forehead and leaned against the counter as Nikole made me a cup of coffee. I guess I just got caught up in that old school love....that teenage fling we once had and all the memories on how she use to make me feel.

Dad how's Chanel? MJ asked.

Who's Chanel? He keeps asking about her? Nikole said interested.


He keeps asking about a sister to! She laughed.

He better relax and soak up all this daddy time!
I smiled lightly.

Yeah okay you keep bussing in me and having sex it'll be another one of him soon!

Not a chance in gone run out on me again?

I didn't run out on you the first time! She leaned in and kissed me but a knock at the door broke the kiss.

I'll get it! She said giving me the cup. I sat down at the table next to my son smiling at him. He was so happy.!



Another two weeks was passing us by and it was the same as the week before. Action comes in late and leaves real early! We don't speak to each other cause I don't see him and he isn't answering my calls or he might text me back it's always a "I'm busy though" text. I feel like I done became a whole single mom and my engagement was over.
I was fighting hard to get my baby in daycare at the school. I just needed certain slot times and they was saying she would have to be there more than 5 hours everyday. I sucked it up and just said okay.

I dropped her off at daycare and I still had two hours before it was time for my class to start. I left campus and went to my favorite bakery and grabbed some breakfast.
When I was a little girl my grandma would bring me here so many times as a special treat.

I pulled off heading down the street and I seen Actions truck parked in front of the one apartment building. What was he doing over here. I pulled over for a second to get my phone out and called him but it went to voicemail. I got out the car locking my doors and knocking on the door.

I probably shouldn't be doing this but I couldn't help it. I needed to talk to him and I wanted to know what was up.

The door opened slowly and this girl answered. She was beautiful! You could tell she was mixed with something I just didn't know what. I had a feeling that I knew who this was though, just by the beauty of her eyes.

Hi, I'm looking for Mar'Quez! I spoke shyly not sure if I should have.

Uhhh, you are? She asked unsure.

His fiancée I'm looking for him.

His fiancée? He didn't mention he had a fiancé...I'm sorry you are?

I'm Chanel.....I'm not just his fiancée I'm also the mother to his daughter!

Wow okay! He never mentioned anything about a daughter or soon to be wife. He's my....

Your son must be MJ mother!

I am! She said angrily.

Is he here?

Yeah he is actually come in follow me! She said sternly.

As I walked into the home I notice everything was brand new. It was fully furnished. They was over here playing house.

Who was it baby? I heard Actions voice speak loudly it was just enough to break my heart. I swallowed hard and walked into the kitchen. We immediately made eye contact and she stood against the stove with her arms folded mad.

This what you been doing? I asked licking my lips.

You had a fiancée this entire time?! Mar'Quez you could of told me what was up. She spoke.

It all makes sense. You walked out of our home at 8am and you asked me what was up...I was suppose to be in school that day at 9:30 I didn't trip cause you said you was taking him to see his mom which is cool.....but I didn't think that would of turned into you playing house! It's one thing to ignore me but it's another to ignore your daughter! Believe it or not that little girl stairs at the door waiting for you to come in everyday. She never gets to see you. I been dropped from two of my classes because i failed two important test because you don't answer the phone to watch her.

Chanel I.....

Save it Mar'Quez I don't want an apology from you! I never ask you for anything besides to be a father to our daughter who is only just a few months old! And be the man your suppose to be for me to be my husband. But this....this is it!

Go upstairs baby! The girl said to her son pulling him from the table.

But I'm not done! He whined.

You can come back later, go upstairs! She pushed him out the kitchen and took a deep breath.

Bye Chanel! He sang waving.

Bye honey! I forced a smile on my face through my tears.

Chanel it just happened so fast everything I wasn't thinking....

You could of told me....

Nikole I just got caught up in us...

Clearly! You had a whole family at home and you chose to be here but your telling her it's not like that, but your building something with us over here. Which one is Quez?

Look I'm sorry to the both of y'all. Nikole, Chanel is my fiancée and we have a daughter together. Chanel, Nikole is the mother of my son and I just got caught up in the moment of lust and love....

You love her? I asked wiping my tears.

You need to choose right now Quez! I can tell that she really loves you and you hurt her. As much as I wanna break down right now you hurt me to. I never stopped loving you but not in a million years would I have thought you'd be getting married or started a family with out need to choose...

I can't....

That's all I need to hear! Maybe you can make better use of this! I took my ring off and placed it into Nikoles hands. She wiped her tears in frustration.

I'm sorry I disturbed your home this early please forgive me! I wiped my tears and walked away. I closed the door behind me and got in my car. I sat there for a few minutes in hope of him coming out and trying to follow me but he didn't. He never came outside. I bursted into tears as I felt my heart breaking. I wish he would of left me in that alley a long time ago.

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