Chapter 43

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I cradled my fussy baby as I tried to pay attention in class on zoom. This was kinda hard today. I changed her quick, made her bottle, and bathed her in the kitchen sink with some baby bed time lavender baby wash all while listening to my teacher teach. It seemed to help settle her cause she went right to sleep as the class ended. I logged out and layed her in her swing so I can finish my home work and wait until the next class started.

I was so overwhelmed. Princess been fussy for almost two days now. I haven't been to sleep and I been calling off work all week cause Action hasn't been home to watch her and I didn't wanna take her to school with me so I just been joining my classes on zoom so I wouldn't fail. And it's finals week. I was under a lot of pressure.

"Hey girl this is Lila from class! I just wanted to
Know who did your hair? I ment to ask you the other day!"
I read the text aloud. Lila was cool she was the closest thing I had to a friend actually. I pretty much stayed to myself but we got cool from our project we did in the beginning of the semester.

"Hey hun, I do my own hair" I said texting back. Idk why she was acting like it was just so amazing I just had did some small knotless braids.

"Oh my god really? It's so nice and neat do you do other people's hair? I'm willing to pay whatever. My stylist just canceled on me this morning and i go on my trip in two days!"

"I don't really do other people hair....."

"Pleaseeeess oh my god I'll pay whatever! I just want small knotless!"

I wasn't sure if i wanted to do her hair. I never really did anybody else's before. I did my own hair out of bordem and wanting my hair done. I definitely could use the money since i missed work all week.
"Well for the same size I have I would charge $250!"

"That's it? Girl!!!! And my sister want hers done to can we come tomorrow please?"

"Yeah tomorrow is fine can you come early like 8am? I can get you both in and out by no later than 4:30?"

"Yup we'll be there! Thank you so much your a life savor!"

Two heads tomorrow for a total of $500 that's my whole check plus more. Yeah I definitely could use to do hair if I can make this much in a day.

I got up to finish making a snack to eat. I was hungry as hell. The front door swung open startling Princess a bit but she stayed sleep. In came walking in Action. I rolled my eyes at the site of him.

Hey! He said not sure if he really wanted to speak.

Hi! I said dryly.

Guess you wanna know where I been huh? He asked dropping the keys into the key bowl.

Nope! I said dryly as well. His face saddened and I took my seat ignoring him.

Sorry I was just going through somethings...

Oh was you? You yelled at me while I tried to help you, you leave this house for days, pop up drunk as all fuckin hell! Leave me in the house with a fussy ass baby knowing damn well I need that fuckin car to get to work and school, knowing I had work and school and you suppose to watch her. You disappeared all fuckin week so I couldn't go to neither! That was selfish as hell knowing damn fuckin well I'm trying to make all this work. So if you wanna be some where fuckin else Mar'Quez go the fuck on cause I don't need your extra stress stressing me the hell out! I yelled pissed off. He looked shock I just talked to him like that. He took his ass right up stairs. I rolled my eyes and joined in on the next class. Fuck I look like worry about a muthafucka who clearly ain't worried about they self or take into consideration that I'm trying to do the best I could holding my household down.

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