Chapter 48

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I know I haven't been updating in a while and I'm so extremely sorry i see you guys comments and messages but the beginning of this month on May 10th i was dealing with a very Close family death and than it was a mass shooting in my city (Buffalo NY) if any of my readers are from my city and was also affected by that I'm sending all my love and everyone is in my prayers ❤️ also if any of my readers are from Texas and was affected by the tragedy of the mass shooting there as well i just want y'all to know we stand with y'all and we are praying for y'all as well‼️❤️ LOVE IS LOVE ❤️


Action P.O.V.

I been dwindling on this decision for a while now. Tonight at dinner I was gonna make my move in front of my family. But something just didn't seem right ya know.... I felt like I deserved to do better.

I fondled the ring and ring box in my hand it was beautiful!

Baby? Chanel voice roared entering the room. I slid the box back into my jewer and closed it as she came into the closet! "Dinner is ready!" She smiled as she hugged my waist looking up to me.

I never know I could fall in love with a person so hard. She was so perfect to me! I felt like I didn't deserve her but she was correcting me and making me be a better person and she didn't even know it. I loved this for me.

Okay thank you! Did my sister and brother get here yet?

Yes they are actually downstairs right now fan girling over the baby! It's so cute!

Just like you! I smiled making her smile.

Thank you! She giggled.

Let me ask you something!


If you could go any where in the world where would it be?

Oweee that's a hard one! She giggled, but she started to think hard. " Mmmm I would probably say Thailand!"


Yeah! It's beautiful there and I just wanna explore places people don't usually go to!

Okay, okay I see you!

Yeah, what about you?

Any where I'm with you is a favorite place of mine!

Whatever your just saying that! She said giggling reaching up to kiss me. I loved seeing her smile.

Let's go eat! I smiled. We walked downstairs and my sibling was smelling ear to ear holding and playing with my daughter.

Sup y'all! I said slapping both them up.

Hey! Kayla said excitedly. I looked at her and shook my head, she was about to be so disappointed that, that's not about to happen.

She so beautiful bro! Smooth said handing me my daughter.

Thank you bro! I smiled kissing my baby forehead and giving her to Chanel. She layed her in her swing and we all went over to the table to eat.

It's nice for y'all to finally come over! Chanel said as she passed out the plates.

Yes you know I missed you! Kayla said with a smile.

I missed you to babe!

I'm still a lil mad about everything but I'm happy we was all family again! I love y'all.... Dead ass! Smooth said feeling extremely vulnerable.

Anytime, y'all know y'all always welcomed over here!

Yeah, my baby cooks great meals every night y'all more than welcome to come for dinner like once a week! I laughed.

Even everyday is fine! Chanel said hitting me laughing. We held hands and I led grace and we started eating. My baby made grilled chicken, mash potatoes from scratch and fresh string beans. This shit was so good she really could cook.

She got up from the table early to go feed the hungry baby and change her. "So when you gone do it?" Kayla asked confused.

Do what? Smooth asked interested talking low.

I'm not!

What? She asked shock. "You did all that and not gone do it?"

It just don't seem right Kay....not here not right now I wanna make it as special as possible! I need to do something big not this in front of just y'all. Man Chanel deserves the world and I gotta find away to give it to her and doing something like that here ain't worth it. I gotta do better than that, I gotta come hard! I gotta make that shit memorable. Feel me!

You talkin bout what I think your talkin bout? Smooth asked getting hyped.

What? I laughed a bit.

You knowwwwwww! She said doing the conceited face holding his ring finger up and I just laughed.

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