Chapter 36

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Everyday Action was at therapy for a week now he's been fighting to get back to his self. Over the week his speech developed better and better he was talking more. He was learning to rewalk, eat, talk, literally everything. He struggled a bit and it was stressing him out but he was fighting. He was fighting to be okay.

I made sure I encouraged him all day everyday. Even after his physical therapy if he wanted to try to walk I would walk around the hospital with him. I wasn't giving up and neither was he.

We made it back to his Room after an hour of walking around. I stopped in the hallway after I felt something weird happen to me. Quez looked back at me and noticed I wasn't next to him. I dropped everything that was in my hands.

What's wrong? He asked confused. My sweats started to fill up like I peed on myself. "Chanel?"

My water broke?!

How you only 7 months.

8....I should be fine!

Naw come sit down! Ima call for the nurse. He said as he went into the room. I held on to the railing outside the room as a contraction hit me. I didn't handle pain very well so I felt like I was dying.

I made it into the room and went into the bathroom to take my wet sweats off. I sat on the toilet trying to breathe. I didn't wanna have my baby by myself!

You okay? Quez asked opening the door.

Nooooo! I said sadly.

It's gone be okay, the nurse said she just called for a medical team to get you over to the children's hospital.

I'm not having her without you!

Well I mean you kinda have to bae!

You'll have her and be back here in no time. Here put these on! He said trying to give me a pair of his pajama pants.

Hi hunny! How you feeling? A nurse asked coming into the room with a wheel chair.

In pain!

Yeah...let's get you up and over to the other side of the hospital so that way we can see how far along you are okay? I nodded my head and she came in and helped me up. I sat in the wheelchair and Quez kissed me.

Call me when you get situated over there ight!

Okay! I love you!

I love you to, you gone have a safe delivery! He said sounding so sure. I breathed hard as another contraction hit me. I was not ready for this. I haven't even thought about names. I was so focused on Quez I haven't even bought her anything really. I had a few clothing items and that was it! I didn't do her room like I wanted, I didn't have a crib like nothing at all! I was always here and focused on Quez I just knew we had more time.

What It Means To Be KingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora