Chapter 34

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Day in and Day out over the next few weeks I was in and out this hospital. I talked to Action, I read to him, I gave him sponge baths! I made sure he knew I was here and he was gone be okay!

Me and Kayla pulled up to his house and his house was beautiful. The gate was broken down which was weird Kayla said. When we pulled up to the house it was 4 tow trucks here loading cars on to them.

What the fuck are y'all doing? She yelled jumping out the car.

We have an order to pick these cars up!

From who? These are my brothers cars paid for in cash! What the fuck! She yelled pissed off grabbing her phone calling Smooth.

Excuse me who told y'all to come get these cars? I asked confused.

The wife! Said the husband is dead and she selling the cars. We have an order from our boss that was signed by a Yasmine Stevenson! The one trucker said  as he finished loading the two cars onto his beds. They was about to leave with 5 cars and trucks! Mar'Quez was going to be extremely pissed.

I picked the basket of laundry up to go in the house and a huge paper was plastered on the door saying that the house was bought and he would have a week to vacate the premises. I opened the door with his keys and his house was so beautiful. It was just about empty though. Furniture was gone, tv's was gone, literally everything it was just a house.

What the fuck! Ima kill this bitch! Where is all my brother shit!!!!! Kayla yelled loudly as she searched the house. I went up to where his bedroom was from what I remember Kayla showed me last time. Damn near all his clothes was gone, all his designer was gone, every single piece of jewelry he owned was gone! And I know he had a lot of jewelry cause he liked to look good especially when we went on dates. His suits and furs was gone as well. Hell even the bed was gone this bitch emptied his entire house and took every thing he owned.

Nooo! Noooo! Noooo! She took his clothes! Kayla screamed even more mad crying. She ran into his closet and moved his shoe shelf and opened his safe. She took his guns out and all the money that was in there. It was so much money in there. She went to another safe and emptied it as well.

I know this is about 1 million dollars. Take this and hide it when you get home! She said through her tears. "Ima kill that bitch"

I was at a lost for words on how she did him. We got back in my car and I pulled off. Kayla went to go meet her brother so I went home to do his laundry and to go by more sleeping pants, under wear, and t shirts to dress him for when I washed him up.

I made my way up to the hospital after everything. I just wanted to be next to him. I turned the tv and took my blanket out. I was dog tired. I cuddled up in the chair and fell asleep. I forgot to even eat I was so tired.

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