Chapter 26

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I packed all my books up off the desk so I could clock out. My feet was hurting so bad from standing all day. It's like after you find out you pregnant literally everything starts. Morning sickness, emotional roller coasters, your sense of smell heightens, you start to break out, every single thing in your body just hurts, and swelling. This definitely had to be a girl cause I wasn't like this with my son. And I know every pregnancy is different but I could barely stay woke half the time when I wasn't sick.

Excuse me! I heard a voice say at the front desk. I rolled my eyes cause I wanted to leave.

Yes? I asked coming back to the front end.

Hi I'm here for the conference! She said and I just looked at her cause lady you don't see this big sign in sheet right there and that sign pointing to the room that the conference is in.

Okay you can just sign in here. And the conference is over there.

Wait aren't you Kayla's friend? She said looking up smiling.


It's nice to see you again! Probably don't remember me without the wedding dress on! She laughed. The more she talk the more I kinda remembered her.

Your Actions ex fiancé right?

Ex? I was never an ex sweetheart! He's my husband! She said as she signed her name on the paper. "Yasmine Stevenson"

Husband??!! I questioned confused.

Yeah we got married two weeks ago!

Oh really!

Yeah! I better get in here I know these hungry investors waiting on me.! She giggled before walking off.

My phone buzzed and I looked down to see a text from Action. "I'm here!"  Alissa came to the desk and I punched out mad as all hell. I grabbed my bag and stormed out. I got out in the car and slammed my door closed folding my arms as my legged shakes.

He leaned in and tried to kiss me but I turned my head.

What's wrong? He asked concerned.

Action take me home!

Umm okay? You don't wanna eat?

NO TAKE ME HOME! I yelled.

He sped to my house quick. I jumped out the car before he could even come to a complete stop in the driveway.

Chanel! He called out my name I ignored him and he called me again sternly. He grabbed me by my arm as I walked past him and I slapped the shit out of him.

I FUCKIN HATE YOU! I yelled angrily. He pushed me into the house making me drop my bag and I just started hitting him trying to fight him. "Get the fuck out!"


No! How could you!

How could I what? Talk to me Bae!

Your married action your fuckin married! I yelled through my tears. I started to break down cause my heart was broken into pieces right now. I felt like I couldn't breathe. Obviously it was true cause he just stood there stuck.

Chanel I can explain!

Go ahead cause I wanna actually hear this!

She asked me on a date and I couldn't turn her down for obvious reasons.

Obvious reasons like what? Did you ever really break up with her? He bit his lip and looked down than back up at me. "DID YOU?"


Oh my got! I'm having a fuckin baby by a married man I'm gonna be sick!

It's not like that Chanel!

Than what is it fuckin like cause you lied to me yet a-fuckin-gin!

Look I was gonna tell you!

When? Action your still lying to me right now this second!

We never actually broke up okay....

So who was that you called on the phone that day?

My sister....Kayla!

Oh my god! Oh my fuckin god! So you didn't wanna have this baby because you was married I told you I was pregnant after you got married! I hate you!

I told you it's not like that! That's why I was so fuckin stressed out. She asked me on a date it was some surprise type shit I'm thinking she wanted to do something nice for me cause she my bitch and later on I'm taking a blind fold off after I was pronounced married! Now I'm fuckin married I never ever planned to marry that girl!

You sure about that? Cause you stayed engaged to her! You stayed in a relationship with her! We been messing around for 5 months almost 6 months now. I been pregnant for 3 of those months and you lied to me. You got me out here thinking that we are building something and about to start this family and your still in a whole relationship and now a fuckin marriage! This has to be a fuckin joke!

I been trying to get my lawyers involved for a divorce but Shìt ain't exactly easy right now.!

Why let me guess she pregnant too or something! He got silent and licked his lips. "Oh my god she's pregnant!" I started crying harder.

It's not my baby!

You want me to believe that!

It's not! It's my brothers baby! She was fuckin on Smooth the entire time.

You, your brother, your sister, your wife can all go to hell and live one happy family!

You think I wanted you to find out like this? That shit was never suppose to happen until I found a way to tell you. Which if I could of got this divorce than I wouldn't of cause I know you be pissed off and everything in the fuckin book. I damn near lost you before behind this bitch you think I wanted to do it again?! No I love you Chanel! I finally fuckin said it! I LOVE YOU! I'll say that shit a million times if I have to I love you and this is where I wanna be! I wanna have my baby with you and marry you! I don't love that bitch nor did I ever fuckin plan on marrying her.

But you fuckin did! I don't want anything to do with you. Your a liar and your sneaky as hell! Me and my child deserve better than that please leave!

No I'm not going no where dude.

Leave Action please! Get out my house!

Dude come on no!

Action get out!

FUCK!!!! He yelled walking to the door slamming it behind him. I fell to the floor crying. The man I was in absolute love with was married! Straight lied to my face.

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