Chapter 70

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A YEAR LATER........

When your miserable time doesn't fly! But it's been a year already. I was getting ready to bring a child into this world with Nikole at any day. Wanting to find Chanel So bad was ruining me. I eventually gave up and just focused on work and my kids. I didn't have any hopes of Chanel coming back so I just moved in with Nikole to raise our family. She was happy as kept and tried her best always to keep me happy and my mind away from any thought I would of had for Chanel.

I packed the hospital bags Into the car and Nikole wattled to the car and got in. Her contractions was 6-5 minutes apart. I couldn't wait to meet my son. She really wanted a girl. I guess the only person that was getting a girl out of me was Chanel. I wondered what she did for our daughters first birthday.
I always caught my mind wondering back to her. I know I didn't make the right decisions and I was gone forever pay for it. But was this really what they ment when they said what it means to be king?

Ohhh baby! Have a safe delivery! Ms Carolyn
Smiled coming up the driveway. That was Nikoles grandmother and she was here to watch MJ.

Thank you grandma I appreciate you! She sniffled through her tears.

Hi Ms. Carolyn. I spoke even though she didn't like me. Nun her family ever did. But that's cause now she was running her mouth to her grandmother about our situation. I agreed to be in a relationship with her she should of just dropped the situation.

I closed the door for her and got in. I sped to the hospital because she was being so dramatic. I know everybody and every labor is different but home girl was dragging it.

She got up to labor and delivery and her water broke. They got her into a room and she was dilated 5cm already. I was kicked out the room while they gave her a epidural. I sat in the waiting room and I honestly wanted to be any where but here!

Yes! Can you send this to exam room 6 have EVS clean room 8 and move my patient from exam room 7 to an actual labor room. I heard a familiar voice. I looked up and seen Chanel. I thought my eyes was playing tricks on me. I read her badge and it sure did say Chanel head nurse. She was filled out even more. A but was bigger and her tities. Her real hair went to the middle of her back and those green eyes was glowing. She even had some dimples on her.

I stood up and walked to the desk a little bit. "Sir your girlfriend isn't done yet you can have a seat!" One of the nurses at the desk said which cause Chanel to look up. The level of disgust that was in her eyes hurt my soul. She turned her head from looking at me but I couldn't stop looking at her. She was so beautiful!

She walked from behind the nurses desk like she didn't see me like I didn't even exists to her.

Chanel? I grabbed her arm to stop her as we stood in the middle of the hallway.

Can you let go of me! She said calmly and aggravated. I let go of her but kept her hand in mine. Her hands was so soft. But I couldn't help but to notice the huge rock on her finger that was shining.

Chanel can you please just talk to me for a minute!

For what? I have nothing to say to you and you have both to say to me!

It's been over a year you vanished like literally vanished without a trace.

What does it matter to you? You chose where you wanted to be when I took my ring off and you didn't come after me.

That's not fair...I looked for you!

You looked for me? You sound stupid! You didn't even bother to come after me. I sat in my car outside that house for 10 minutes! 10 FUCKIN MINUTES ACTION!!  She began to yell a bit. She talked with so much emotion and frustration and anger.

Baby I....

Baby nothing action I hate you! I want nothing in this world to do with you! But it's funny how things worked out. I kilt my baby after finding out I was pregnant again and now look your in here with her as she's about to give birth to a baby boy congratulations! She started to cry and so did I. She turned to walk away but I grabbed her again.

Chanel wait!

I wait for no one! You had a chance and you blew it! I gave you my heart, my soul, my body! I was in complete love with you I felt like I owed you so much for saving my life I even killed for you. I took care of you when no one else did. I stayed by your side! I was in that hospital day in and day out watching you struggle and cling on to life through a machine when everyone else wanted to pull the plug. When the next bitch stole everything from you. Took your house, your cars left you with completely nothing! I was there ME! Just me and my baby. I had a hard pregnancy because all I could think about was if you was ever going to meet your daughter! When you struggled to hold her, feed her, change her.! I was there! I was there for it all and you bluntly chose another bitch over me! You started a whole new family and shitted on me. So yes I vanished, and i rebuilt myself. I got back in school, i made a way for my child. I became a head nurse here in this hospital and now I'm engaged to the chief of surgery....i don't feel nothing for you besides hate and I don't wanna see your face ever again because honestly Action your dead to me! And i could do you worse than YaYa ever did but ima spare you...
She yelled at me crying. Everyone was looking at us. I felt every word that came out her mouth. They was like bullets grazing my skin.

Hey baby I was looking for you! This tall Darkskin man with perfect teeth and dimples smiled walking over to us. She fixed her face before she turned to him.

Hey! I was just about to come to your office. She said forcing a smile on her face wiping her eyes again.

Oh okay, i wanted to know if you'd assist me in a surgery later. He raised his hand to push her hair out her face and she jumped. He beats her!

I'll be right there! She said forcing a smile on her face. He leaned in and kissed her cheek. The crying made her make up wipe off a big revealing the bruised eye she had.

Who's this? He asked extending his hand.

A patient boyfriend he was asking about his girlfriend that's in labor.

Oh okay well congratulations! He smiled. I nodded my head and stepped back.

Dr. Davies to the OR, Dr. Davies!
Welp that's me I gotta go! He smile trying to kiss her again but she didn't really hesitate the second time.
He walked off and it took everything in me not to shoot him.

I know you hate me but you don't have to let him put his hands on you either Chanel!

What you need to do is mid your business and leave me alone. Please never say anything to me again.

I can't never not do that Chanel.! We have a child together.

My daughter is just that MY DAUGHTER! Please don't ascot like you care not. Please live your life and never worry about us! She wiped her tears once more and walked away with her head down. I know I broke her!!!

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