Chapter 61

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Ight watch your step! I said as I helped Nikole into the house. She had a sprained foot and ankle so I was helping her out a bit. She came home from the hospital today and she agreed that she was stay here and move into the house.

I bought the house so her and my son had some where to live and got her car here so she had transportation. I furnished it and put food in the house. If she token care of than my son taken care of.

This is beautiful Mar'Quez! Thank you honestly!

It's cool! Here's a couple thousand for you and lil man whatever y'all need. If you need anything else just let me know.

I can cook you dinner or something it's late I know you don't cook for yourself she laughed.

Not really....

Your favorite meal still pork chops yellow rice and broccoli.

I can't believe you remember that. I laughed sitting in the chair at the table.

You never forget anything about your first and only loved. I guess I always just hopped you'd come back to me.


Kayla can you please watch her today? I can't bring her to class again or join on zoom I have a important test today!

I can't right now Nel, I'm at work. Where's Action?

I don't know he hasn't been answering the phone. He's been leaving the house early and coming in late if that. All week he's been outside I missed class all week because he hasn't been here to watch her or answer the phone.

Wow, call Smooth?!

Ight thanks! I hung up the phone and called Smooth but he didn't answer either. I was running late to school and I needed someone to watch her. Action still wasn't answering the phone.

I'm just gonna have to take you with me mamas! I said putting her back into her car seat. I was not suppose to bring her to school with me when I had a test. That was my teachers only rule.

Chanel? She spoke as I was coming in.

I'm sorry I really didn't have a baby sitter can I please take my test??

No, I can't have a baby in here distracting other students I'm sorry Chanel!

But if I don't pass this test it can effect my grade really bad.

Yeah but I can't allow you to be here with the baby!

Can I take it out here?

No it has to be in class I'm sorry!

Okay thank you! I picked my bags up and carried my baby out the school. I had tears in my eyes cause I was missing out on this important test. This test was 25% of my grade and I was gonna have to work extra hard to bring it back up and ace my final exam.

I got in the car and balled my eyes out trying to call Action again. This time his phone went to voicemail.

I made my way back home and laid my baby down. All week he has been avoiding his daughter. I get it, you just found out about your son and wanna spend time with him and do whatever but he's forgetting he has a daughter and other responsibilities. I don't ask for shit! But to make sure your here on time so I can go to school that's all.
He's done this so many times I was starting to feel like he didn't care about what I had going on.

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